Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Update 2/27/08

Well, today was a better day than yesterday. My mom did have stomach pain/cramping, but it wasn't as bad as it was yesterday. We had to make a trip to El Campo for some paperwork for which she had to be physically present. The trip would normally take a little over an hour, but it took 2 today. We had to stop several times to use the facilities. She was exhausted when we returned, but it's something that had been hanging over her head so it's a HUGE relief that it's dealt with for good.

I think the emotions of everything have just been building with us so we had a bit of a cry together on our way back because we were relieved and just...emotional about everything that's taking place. So you know what my mom said? She said, "Thank you, God, for being so so good to us. You are so good, so good."

Just as Job said, "...though He slay me, yet will I trust Him..." That's what my mom was doing today. In the midst of her pain, she thanked God for His goodness. God is worthy of our praise in the good times and the bad, and he deserves the praise because of who He is, not what He does. So as Hebrews 13:15 says, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise.

Wonderful, merciful Savior, precious Redeemer and Friend;
Who would have thought that a Lamb could rescue the souls of men?
Oh, You rescue the souls of men.

You are the One that we praise, Your are the One we adore.
You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for,
Oh, our hearts always hunger for.

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