Monday, February 25, 2008

Update 2/25/08

Well, thank God that my mom only has 9 more treatments to go. That's right - we only have the remainder of this week and then next week. Unfortunately, they say that she'll still have some of the major side effects from this stuff 3-4 weeks after it's over. Either way, at least we're counting down.

My mom is pretty much a trooper when it comes to pain and discomfort. She's always been that way. That's why I know that when she says, "I really don't feel well..." and asks for help...I know it's serious.

This morning was pretty rough for her. If it was pure discomfort, it would be one thing, but to see her in pain is quite another. She was sick this morning (I don't like to post some of the details because they gross some people out. If you're interested in knowing how to pray more specifically, just email me) and slept as long as she could before getting up to get ready to head to Houston. I waited until almost everything was packed to wake her. That's so hard - having to wake her up to take meds or whatever else. She had little energy and just wanted to lay down. Shocking?! *sigh* If you know my mom, you know that laying down and resting is just something she doesn't do. The fact that she wanted to lay down was a sign of how fatigued her body was.

We made it to Houston with time to eat lunch AND time for her to take about an hour nap before her treatment. After her treatment, we sometimes try to go to the store or something just so she's not inside all day (she can't be out in the sun right now). Well, today, she didn't even want to wait in the car while I ran in to get some water. She just wanted to lay down. So we came to the travel trailer, and she started to nap again.

My uncle Phil and aunt Janet came this evening to visit for a little while. It's so good to see family, and it's so kind when they have the time to come by. Everyone has so much going on with, and we definitely don't expect anyone to come all the way out here to visit. It's a great surprise when they do.

You know what was good medicine? My mom's laughter. She was talking to my aunt Estrella (who, by the way, is progressing amazingly), and they had a little laugh. That little bit, though, cheered us both. A spoonful of laughter makes the medicine go down...or something.

So that was our day. The evening was a bit better than the morning, but this is definitely taking its toll. My mom prayed today, "Jesus, please help me. I can't do this on my own, but I can if you help me, so please just help me today...and please help..." It broke me. I try my best to be strong for my mom and keep the tears to myself, but today it was hard. Her trust is in Him, who is our ever-present help in time of need.

My hope is built on nothing less
thank Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Susy!
This is Pam of Lew & Pam. This is the first time Ive read your blog in a few weeks. My heart and prayers go out to you and your mom. I know it's extremely hard as a daughter to see your mom go through this. But, it's a huge blessing that you could be here with her.
I'm praying for both of you.
Love - Pam