Friday, May 16, 2008

Where is the Meat?

Mom was dozing off at some point and woke up asking where the roast was. She makes me laugh.

Mom walked again and had just gotten into bed when her surgeon came to see her. He gives her a really hard time about being in bed, and I know it gets to my mom a bit. He does it in humor but also to encourage her. What can I say? He's a surgeon.

The pain is still semi-managed. If mom sits or lays still, she's okay. The whole moving around thing is still terribly hard on her incision and whatever all was messed with during surgery. Yes, she's doing better, and we're thankful for that. We just want to see less and less pain with more and more progress. Dr. Skibber is well pleased with mom's improvement and said she may be on a soft diet tomorrow. Tonight she ate some apple sauce and yogurt. She tolerated them pretty well.

So now I pray for a good night for us and a better day tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there... i just wanted to let you know that i am praying... and will continue to do so. <><

Steven Robert Jones