Friday, May 16, 2008

Tapioca Pudding

Last night Mom had a pretty good night. I really loved our overnight nurse because she was so attentive. Mom slept a good 5 hours without waking. After 3 a.m., though, the nurses and people were in and out. We finally ended up turning the lights on around 6 I think. Shortly after 7 AM, Mom got up to walk, and it was good. She had an easier time than yesterday and went around the nurses' station twice. She then sat in a chair for a while just to stay out of bed and tried walking again. This time it wasn't so good. She ended up in pretty bad pain and had to go back to bed after a bit.

We then had a few visitors, which was awesome! The doctor said that key to Mom's recovery is a lot of cheerleading. The phone calls, visits, etc. are all very encouraging to her.

We just returned from another walk that wasn't as easy as the first this morning, but it was definitely not as bad as the second one. Mom is so brave to get up and keep trying after experiencing the pain she has. She's pretty stinkin amazing! I'm truly blessed to have a mom who is such a fighter in every way. She's fighting for her life, and I couldn't be more proud of or thankful to her for never throwing in the towel.

Please continue to pray that her pain is not just controlled, but that it is also eased. Jesus knows a kind of pain that none of us have ever imagined, so I know that He has compassion on her. It's a comfort to know that He really relates to our circumstances. His grace is sufficient.

Oh, one more thing - Mom is now on a full liquid diet, which includes yogurt and pudding. She has already tried a few bites of pudding and some jello. It's all good so far. It's common after a surgery like this to have nausea and vomiting because the insides, especially the intestines have been sleeping. So far so good.

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