Monday, March 01, 2010

Save Me

I got into couponing years ago, but I drifted away little by little. In my attempt to restart, I realized exactly why I fell off that bandwagon. I love saving money, and I love getting great deals. I love it when I can tell Nathan, "I saved $___!" Or "I found Xander great onesies for $1." The problem with couponing is that most of the coupons are for processed foods and items we don't use in our home. As better we ate, the less coupons I found to fit the foods we were eating. I can use a few of the coupons here and there, and I'll do what I can with the ones I find; however, they don't make coupons for carrots, celery, or spinach. I take that back. There actually was a coupon for spinach in yesterday's paper :0 But that's rare. Most of the coupons are for canned this or that, boxed cereals and toxic chemicals. We don't use that stuff. Sure, we'll have a box (or 4) of Corn Flakes here and there to satisfy my midnight cravings, but we just don't make it a habit to eat a lot of processed foods. So when will they come up with coupons for fresh food?


racheljenae said...

Have you checked out my brother's company website yet? You'd like it and on the Extra info page my sister in law did a couple videos that are super helpful...toxic free cleaning supplies and getting rid of ants...home remedies.

racheljenae said...

oops.. here it is:

Susy said...

no, i haven't checked it yet, but i will soon. and yeah, we're doing toxic free cleaning stuff already. love the stuff.

Missi said...

i feel your pain, sister
OH! But if you have a whole foods near you, they do have coupon books and weekly specials!
AND I DO NOT HAVE B.O.!!! I did stand at the mail box and laugh heartily. bring on the offensive post cards! LOL

Susy said...

this month they're actually opening a whole foods right around the corner. i've been waiting for this you know. i never wanted to make the drive when there's a central market just around the corner. now a whole foods. whatever will i do with myself.

ok - i have proof here that you asked for the postcards.