Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Junk Wheat

So I've been in the mood for burgers, but I forgot to get some buns when I was at our new Whole Foods yesterday...by the way, have I mentioned how much I LOVE this store just around the corner from us? Love. It. Anyway, I forgot to get the buns so I asked Nathan to get some for me...but he was going to Target. So call me a food snob, but I don't typically get a lot of food from Target or Walmart. I make a huge effort not to spend too much time purchasing stuff from the isles. But I had to settle for it or take off to Whole Foods myself, and in trying to unpack and pack, I just wasn't in the mood.

Because I've been lazy preoccupied with thoughts and plans of moving for a while, I haven't made my own bread. So I buy sprouted bread. I avoid eating unsprouted grains if I can. Not always possible, but I try. Why? Phytic acid. Google it. It's the reason I get so annoyed at the big hype of whole wheat. Eating whole wheat is junk if it hasn't been sprouted.

So back the the story - oh yeah, Nathan gets these honey wheat burger buns, and that was fine. I knew I would get something like that, and whatever. I looked at the ingredients just for kicks, and OMG y'all. Oh my. There were like 999 ingredients in that. Yeah, and one of them was high fructose corn syrup. For real. I did a little more research and found that most of the breads you pick up at major grocers have high fructose corn syrup. Not just that, but there are hundreds (it's my blog, I'll exaggerate if I want) of unnecessary ingredients. Why would we want to put that stuff in our bodies? What's sad is that people don't read that. People read calories, fat, carbs, maybe sodium. People read the first part of the label but forget that the real stuff is in the ingredients. It's sad that we think honey wheat burger buns that have a million and a half ingredients are healthy. Sad, sad, sad.

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