Friday, April 09, 2010


My friend, carrying her baby in a sling or carrier, recently got attacked questioned by someone about her parenting skills. Okay so I honestly try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I try to assume that they are just trying to help when they give advice. I try. I try to take the good and let the rest roll of my back. But how annoying is it when someone questions what you're doing as a parent, not because it seems they care but just because they want to be right for the sake of being right? Because they have nothing else to do. So my friend was in a grocery store with all 4 of her kids. It's not like she just had one and could be confused for a naive first-time mom. No, she had all 4, who have all limbs still attached to them and with no crazy "because-I-dropped-them" injuries. This lady asked her something about if she'd heard kids had died in carriers. Missi responded to her twice and the lady still wanted to keep the conversation going. Read about the whole thing here.

This kind of thing can be totally patronizing. Something I try to remember: unsolicited advice can equal criticism. Unsolicited questioning can be the same thing.

I'm a huge believer and fan of baby-wearing. Knowing that, a friend sent me a link about the craze with children dying in carriers. I was thankful that she thought of me and the safety of my child. What some people don't get, though, is that when stuff like that comes out, we should do our research and find out what, why, how, etc. The friend that sent the link also posted it for others to see, and that kind of thing can start a frenzy.

Anyway, read here for more info.

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