Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We're not settled in my mom's room, and she's already been up walking...well, to the facilities, but it's walking nonetheless. We finally got to see her for the first time after her surgery around 6 this evening. After everyone took their turn, I stayed with her from 7-8, when they transferred her to a room. Seeing her was completely different from her last surgery. She didn't have all those tubes coming out of her body, and she was pretty much awake. Sure, she was still sleepy from the anesthesia, but she was fully aware of everything taking place. Uber cool.

They've given her ice chips, which she is tolerating well, and tomorrow she will be on a liquid diet. As long as she tolerates that without nausea or vomiting, they'll move her onto solids, and that's when we'll see how her intestines like that idea. As I wrote to someone earlier, the doctor gave us the good, the bad, and the ugly; we're taking it one step at a time. It's hard to know what to expect because everyone is different. God says to pray and ask Him for what we wish...according to His will...I don't know that I'll EVER understand how that works completely, but I think I'll just ask Him to help us deal with whatever comes our way for now. I don't know of other specifics. I'm sure by the time my mom is eating I will.

Oh, here's a cool thing - last time they had big time issues dealing with my mom's pain. Not so this time. Of course, this surgery isn't as drastic, but either way, her pain is pretty well managed right now. Her lil pump is working, and they didn't need to get the acute pain management team involved. I'm just amazed that she can get up and walk so soon. That's pretty crazy.

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