Friday, October 10, 2008

Greenville, Broken Phones. Ridiculous Politics.

So I'm writing from Greenville, Texas, where my mom is now residing. It all happened very quickly. Upon my return from Italy, she said her job might be relocating...and within a week and a half or so we were here. Crazyness. We've been staying in a hotel for almost 2, but just yesterday my mom found an apartment she liked, and we're moving into it today. More crazyness. So far she's been doing extraordinarily well. Sure, she has her days...stuff happens, her body aches, etc., but for the most part she's feeling and looking really well. Thank God. We will travel down to Houston on the 17th for her last surgery, which will take place on Oct 21. This will be to reverse the ileostomy, and then we're home free.

After having been dropped about 618 times, my phone finally gave up. It has been on its last leg for a while, but I didn't want to part with it. Who wants to shell out $$ for a new phone? And I had grown accustomed to its weirdness..ess. Well, last week it gave out in a 1/2 inch flood in one of my bags...or something like that. How an open water bottle ended up in there anyway is still a mystery. It's been ages since I've picked out a phone, and I didn't want to do it without the hubby because although I'd like to consider myself technically literate, I could make some pretty poor choices when it comes to stuff. I want to wait until he's around. In the meantime, I have a lil' $20 phone from Wal-Mart. It serves its purpose. So then the question is, do I REALLY need a high-tech phone with all the gadgets. I really need any of the frivolous stuff? Sometimes I think and say, "I could never justify spending such-and-such money on _____." Yet I know must waste so much on nonsense that really isn't necessary. Moving on...

So how about the election? And how about Wall Street? Awesome, huh? This year it's been somewhat difficult for me to educate myself on anything political, but I've tried here and there. The thing is I'm just so tired of how political politics is. You know, it's all just a game, and those in Washington are just pawns moved around by lobbyists and everyone else. So I'm pessimistic today. Whatever. The debates - they're just a show. The last one was pretty much boring to me, with only a real couple of questions asked at the end. It was about the same ol' stuff, and yes, it's important, but for real, wasn't that forum supposed to be at least a little different? I'd heard all that stuff before. I only continued to watch to see if it would somehow turn. It didn't.

Someone asked me in Italy what my opinion was about Sarah Palin. At that point, I knew little about her. I just knew she was a conservative pro-lifer from Alaska who knew a bit about energy. I couldn't really say what I thought about her until I knew more about her stand on issues, but here's MY issue - is this just a political move? In my opinion, yes. But it's perfectly fine because that's what it's about...right? Out of anyone that John McCain could've chosen, is she the most qualified? I honestly don't know. There are others out there that would seem to have more experience and the more likely choice, right? ??? You decide.

I don't typically talk politics with people because it can become quite annoying...depending on who it is, much less would I blog politics when 1) I am less informed right now than I would like to be, and 2) don't like to open up the can of worms when I can't speak to someone face to face about it. Just because I don't talk politics, though, doesn't mean I don't believe very strongly in politics...most of the time.

Okay and how about the $700 billion? Wow. So you know when they were voting on the proposition the first time (I think it was the first), and our oh-so-lovely Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, was firing off her mouth about NOTHING? The market had been up and down all day. It was fluctuating. She opened her mouth, and from there it was ALL down hill. Thanks for bringing our reps together on this one, Nancy. I really am not a fan of politicians - Republican or Democrat - blabbing aimlessly. Anyway, it's funny how they all wanted to blame everyone else. Hey, we are after all Americans - we think we deserve this and that, and when it doesn't work out because we can't afford it, we get a free get out of jail card. The blame can go all over - greedy CEO's, the gov, our parents...anybody. But maybe today I should ask myself if I'm being responsible with what I've been given. Maybe.

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