Monday, January 19, 2009


I know, I'm full of thoughts today. Not really. I'm just pretty much sitting at home waiting for 24 to start. I seriously hope they pump up the energy a little. I was kinda bored with it last week. I hate to say that because I'm such the Jack Bauer fan, but I must be honest with myself.

Okay so that's not the point of this blog.

Isn't it crazy how we can pretty much Google anything and get millions of pages of information on any given subject? It's great. Thank you, technology, for giving me just about all the information I need. And all right at my fingertips.

What's sad about this is that we no longer take the information we read and make a judgment on it ourselves. Judgment based on logic, common sense, and history. History that has proven itself.

This is true when it comes to medical information. Why is it that we trust a doctor or WebMD over our grandmothers' cure for an ailment? Do we know who pays WebMD? It's all about money, guys. The pharmaceutical industry is all about money, and who do we think pays for websites like WebMD?

Why do we think they have all the answers? I mean, yeah, I've searched those sites for help before, but how much better to receive information from those for whom it has worked so well in the past? And answers that don't require chemicals.

Chemicals, doctors, medicines all have their place. I've said that before, and I still stand by that. I just don't believe those are the only answers. WebMD is not God.

Read this and this.