Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How to Offend a Pregnant Person...Susy Style

Being with child brings on all kinds of questions from all kinds of people. I don't mind the questions or answering them. I found, though, that my way of answering is not the politically correct way of answering, and I'm wondering if I need to think about a better way to respond when someone asks about my due date.

It should be a simple answer, right? I mean, you get pregnant, go to the doctor, he asks you questions and gives you a date. Not that difficult. HOWEVER, I'm just not the typical person when it comes to all this and am not doing things the typical American way. I'm not going to a regular doctor. I'm using a mid-wife. I'm also not going to stress myself out over a due date; unless some major medical emergency arises, I will allow my body to do what it was created by God to do when the time is right. Now, just so you don't think I'm completely crazy, I have an idea of when this lil bean will be arriving. The thing is that I will not allow a doctor or a computer to dictate to my body what it should be doing when.

Why? It's stressful, and stress is one of the many reasons women have complications during pregnancy and child birth. Women rarely have their babies on the 'due dates' anyway, so why even bother with one specific date? Not only that, but then the doctors feel they're justified in their reasoning for drug-induced labor.

Less than 3% of pregnant women have a true medical condition requiring induction, but up to 81% receive Pitocin, and 75% of inductions put both the mother and baby at risk. The drugs used to induce labor cause vasoconstriction, which can decrease blood supply to the unborn baby. That's just the beginning and is reason enough for me. But there's so much more.

Cytotec is yet another drug used to induce labor, but one of the major risks is rupturing of the uterus. :0 Obviously if a woman's body hasn't gone into labor, her cervix isn't yet ready, and therefore even more drugs have to be used in addition to the inducing drugs and then more drugs to prevent complications from the drugs already administered. It's downward spiral. I am all about drugs and doctors when they are necessary, but when they're not, it's just another reason for doctors and pharmaceuticals to make money.

But back to my original point - I have an idea when PoffinBaby will arrive; I just don't have an exact date. As long as all continues to go well, we'll allow PoffinBaby to make the entrance when the time is right. For now, if you ask me a question and I give you a hippie answer, just deal with it. It's funny - several pregnant people have asked me about my due date, and I've pretty much had the same response. Most understand and respect my choices, but there are always the few that choose to be offended because they feel I'm saying that they're not doing what God created their bodies to do. Not it at all folks. I'm telling you what I'm doing because it's what we've chosen to do. You do what's right for you and your family.


Anonymous said...

I am always amazed at how even complete strangers feel that they need to know my due date. I usually just answer with the month that I think baby will be born and then they say, "But what DAY?" I tell them I don't know, and they marvel, "How could you NOT know?!?" Depending on my mood which depends on how far along I am, I take the conversation in several directions.

On a side note, it is really difficult when you decide to do thing counter culturally, and others feel judged by your simple actions. Really, when you say, for instance, "Breastfeeding is best." It does communicate to a bottle feeding mother that she is not giving her baby the best nutrition. And it's true! But you indeed have not judged a bottle feeding mom simply by breast feeding your baby. KWIM?

It's like those signs for little leage baseball sign ups we see around here: "Everyone plays, everyone is a winner!" Everyone cannot be a winner. Someone has to lose in order for someone else to win. It just doesn't make sense. LOL

Susy said...

I totally know what you mean. People feel completely judged...but because of how self-righteous I used to be, I can understand why people would take things I say the wrong way. Breastfeeding, vaccinations...all controversial issues that typically leave someone hurt and/or offended at the end of the day. You're wise in choosing how far and where to take the conversations. I'm learning to do that.

racheljenae said...

Susy I love you! I love that you're walking through all this and I can watch and learn! I love that we share this common interest so deeply and can discuss our thoughts! I love that more fun stories are to come :)

Susy said...

aww Jenae, I love you too! Glad to know you're a granola too.

Anonymous said...

Susy! It's Sarah-Kate!

YOU'RE finally joining the club! :-) SO happy for you guys!

I had no idea you were so conservative when it came to this kind of stuff-- YEA!!! You will really enjoy my sister's blog and what she is CURRENTLY blogging about...

-- Mother of two naturally-born-at-home-with-a-midwife-unvaccinated-unsubluxated boys

Lance said...

Ya know, I'm not the most informed person on the subject of pre-natal care or the whole birthing process. I think that one of the reasons people think it's absurd to go the route you guys are going, is because they think the Doctors and pharmacuetical companies "know it all". And society says that you have to do it this way or else you're wrong. People nowadays are litterally like sheep, doing things exactly as they are told, taking it as truth. When in reality they're too lazy or too afraid to go against the grain. Just consider yourself more enlightened than most people, haha. I think your decision is awesome!

Susy said...

You're right, Lancer. We've dumbed ourselves down and believe that only doctors have the answers. Yes, doctors are great when we're sick, break a leg, or are spewing blood because of a car accident. But for centuries we took charge of our own health. The pharmaceutical industry is all about the money. They're in it together with the politicians (they lobby the politicians) and insurance companies. Insurance companies=the legal mafia.

Thanks, Lancer. Remind me I still believe this when I'm in labor.