Friday, January 09, 2009

Now They'll Fear You

I-SSUES. That's what Naticia (my SIL) and I say about my brother all the time when he complains about stuff. We jokingly always point it back to something from his childhood and tell him he can talk to us about it. We actually all do it to each other, but it's easier when it's 2 of us ganging up on one...and I'm pretty sure most of the time we gang up on my brother. Easy target. He does it to himself.

Today I was the one with serious issues, and it would've been great to have my bro and Naticia around to laugh with me. So Nathan & I were in the kitchen, and I started singing some kid's church song. I told him it was one of the few kid church songs I knew in English because my kid church time was spent in Mexico. He kinda laughed but didn't realize I was serious. I was like, "I'm for real, and I got made fun of when I was a teenager going to church because I didn't know the Christianese songs, language, and manners." I go on, "Kids are mean..." (not thinking of or referring to anyone specifically). Then I almost start crying. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I was such the drama queen. I don't even know where that came from today. I was a complete dork. I never wanted to be one of those people who blamed moods on hormones, but I will because I can. Poor Nathan responded with, " you need to talk or something?"

The moral of the story? I don't have one, except to say that I have some serious issues if a crazy little song can almost bring me to tears...over what?? I don't even know.

So what's with the "Now they'll fear you," line? I've been watching the Godfather trilogy since yesterday. I watch these at least 3 times every year because deep down I think I'm Italian. Oh, and because they're so morally sound. :)

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