Saturday, July 12, 2008

They Offered Me a Job

So I was going to blog more yesterday about all the great things we saw even in the midst of crazy circumstances with my FIL...time got the best of the day.

I took Mom to the hospital for her second of 8 chemo treatments. She slept during most of it. Again, they sent her home with a pump that continues to infuse chemo for 48 hours.

Then today happened. Since my granny is still around (she came to be with my mom while I went up to Kansas for the 4th), I took advantage and went to Houston to run some errands. Granny called me at one point to let me know that my mom wasn't feeling so well. She started to sweat pretty badly and was just feeling yucky. I asked her if she'd had enough juice, etc, etc. It doesn't take much for one to get dehydrated with an ileostomy. It also sounded like Mom's blood sugar was low. Granny said she'd wait a little while and see how things went.

Long story short, we ended up at the ER. Since I was already in Houston, I just met them there. They drew labs, did x-rays and found nothing. That's a good thing. The doctor told mom all of that could've been from a combination of things - low blood sugar, dehydration, doing too much activity too quickly after waking from a nap...

Her blood levels were fine, as were her electrolytes. She was just a tad low on magnesium. So no, she wasn't dehydrated, but it could've gotten there. And the blood sugar thing...well, again, just a combination of things. As far as feeling yucky, well, I'm certain we can certainly blame the chemo for that.

Today's good news - this ER visit found nothing major wrong with my mom, and she didn't have to be admitted.

Today's lesson - Grannies make great driving buddies because they can do all the talking when you have nothing to say.

Behind the scenes I'm working on - going back to how I used to be by giving EVERYONE the benefit of the doubt (when did I become so cynical with people?).

Love covers ALL.

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