Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Okay, so what is it with me and computers? Seriously?! Today I was working on some really important stuff, and in the very middle it, the computer I was using just froze. I lost it ALL! Starting from scratch took me a couple of hours. I wasn't very happy about that.

Oh, AND my bookmarks - all gone too. Last week when the green goblin messed everything up, I had lost all bookmarks. By all, I mean all 60+. Yes, these are the ones I use because I can't remember all these websites. It's kinda like "Contacts" in a phone or in email - you have an address book because nobody can possibly remember everyone's information, just like I can't remember every single website I visit pretty often, especially all 40 something blogs. NO, I DO NOT read that many. I just had that many bookmarked because I casually bumped into them here and there and would browse some on occasion.

So I open the portable computer tonight to find that the new list of bookmarks I had started has been stolen by the goblin. This is so getting on my nerves.

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