Friday, July 10, 2009


it's 2 something in the a.m. i think almost 3

baby is churning as well. i want a window into my belly to see what in the world he's he shifts positions. as his space gets tighter, the more i actually feel my belly stretching. or something.

i don't make it a habit to wake up at midnight to hang out and watch animal planet or reruns of bill o'reilly. it's these frequent trips to the bathroom that sometimes keep me up. tonight i woke up hungry. very hungry. and baby hiccuping made me think he was hungry too. those 2 could be totally unrelated, but i figured eating might help me sleep. not yet. it is well with my soul.

oh so how about this crazy weather? we've already had several days over 100. well, that was in june...early even for texas. yesterday on my way home from work, it was sunny and all was good for me to stop at the farmer's market to get a few things...until ice started falling from the sky. no joke. it got windy, started raining, and the hail. the news never warned me about it so i was pretty annoyed.

i was talking to another incubating friend recently, and we talked about how people feel sorry for us because we have to 'go through the entire summer pregnant.' seriously? it's hot outside whether or not we're incubating. it's hot regardless, so people, don't worry. yes, it's hot, but i actually have more issues when i'm indoors and can't seem to cool off.

i have about 7 more weeks to go. or whatever. crazy. is it wrong to say that sometimes it seems unfair how quickly time passes? my morning walks have gotten slower and shorter. i was doing a good 4 mi in one hour and then a lil more on weekends. not so anymore. it takes me 15-18 min to do one mile. so i stick to 1 or 2. it doesn't feel like enough when i think about it, but it sure can wear me out. i almost have to carry my belly sometimes.

and tiredness hits finally...

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