Sunday, October 29, 2006

Milk - It Does a Body ...Bad?

“Have you had YOUR milk today?” Hopefully you have not. Thanks to the FDA, our country and most people are clueless as to the effects of drinking milk – all negative effects. I’m talking about the milk we buy at Wal-Mart or our local grocer. There is NOTHING good about drinking that kind of milk. Period.

Why, then, are there so many commercials with milk-mustached celebrities promoting and encouraging the consumption of milk? The simple answer is money $$. That’s right - money for the FDA, the milk companies, and even the pharmaceutical industry. This will wait for another blog, but just know that these organizations are not out for our well-being. They’re out for our money, and if that means that we continue to get sick so that we can feed the pharmaceuticals, then so be it.

Back to milk – when milk is heated as part of the pasteurization process, the protein molecules are damaged and then even function as a potent allergen. That’s the reason milk is the number 1 allergen today.

Pasteurizing destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamins, denatures (damages) fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria and promotes pathogens. Pasteurized cow's milk is the number one allergic food in this country.
Pasteurization has been associated with a number of symptoms and illnesses ranging from diarrhea, cramps and gastrointestinal bleeding to heart disease, cancer and arteriosclerosis.” (

The pasteurization process also turns the sugar in milk (lactose) into beta-lactose. “Besides destroying part of the vitamin C contained in raw milk and encouraging growth of harmful bacteria, pasteurization turns the sugar of milk, known as lactose, into beta-lactose, which is far more soluble and therefore more rapidly absorbed in the system, with the result that the child soon becomes hungry again. Probably pasteurization's worst offence is that it makes insoluble the major part of the calcium contained in raw milk. This frequently leads to rickets, bad teeth and nervous troubles, for sufficient calcium content is vital to children; and with the loss of phosphorus also associated with calcium, bone and brain formation suffer serious setbacks.” (

Organic pasteurized milk is not treated any differently. The pasteurization process is the same. Please read for more information.

Food for thought – did you know that humans are the only living creatures that drink milk past the infancy stage?

The solution:
1) Stop drinking milk altogether (this includes the consumption of dairy products).
2) Drink grass-fed cow’s raw milk (see this website for states that can legally sell it, and see this website for locations in your particular state that sell raw milk See this site for a complete report on untreated milk


Anonymous said...

so is raw milk any good. and would it taste good with ceral. this ia a very important question.

Tim Cartwright

Anonymous said...

oh susy... glad to hear you have a blog... i think i may start one on here and diverge away from myspace.. but for now... that's where I lay my thoughts :) I love hearing what's going in that susy mind... keep me posted :) love ya!

Anonymous said...

First things first, I didn't even know you had this blog, but I guess I do know. Secondly, is the organic milk with the cartoon cows on the front the same as the raw milk that you were blogging about in this latest blog? Lastly, even though I agree with you in regards to why these companies get their commercials endorsed by the FDA, to their credit they do only say that it "may prevent osteoporsis." In conclusion, I enjoy reading your blogs, now that I know you are blogging.

Susy said...

raw milk - not my fav., so if i really want to eat cereal, i use rice dreams enriched vanilla. it's quite yummy.

no, the organic milk with the cartoon cows is not the raw milk about which i'm blogging. that milk is pretty much the same as any other pasteurized milk. it's the plague.

i'm glad you enjoy the blogs. thanks for reading. more to come.

Anonymous said...

Good raw milk is delicious! It might be richer than you are used to as all the 'good stuff' hasn't been boiled out. If you are used to 2% or low fat, just ad a little water! It is the only kind of milk that is truly safe.
Organic milk that has been pasturized is the same as any other - you just pay twice as much

Susy said...

fowler, my response was probably a bit confusing - the organic milk with the cartoon cows is the same as any other pasteuraized milk - bad, bad, bad. no drinky