Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nothing Else Matters

What's on my mind lately? Lots. But time on a computer with a keyboard is limited, so I'll stick with one of the main things stirring with me.

Three weeks ago a friend from Bible school lost her 2nd born to a disease for which there is no cure. He was 2.5, and it was just a year ago that they were given his diagnosis (Mitochondrial disease and Leigh's syndrome). The day of his diagnosis changed their lives, and via blogging and FB, I was able to keep up with what was going on with little Caleb. A year later...Caleb is with Jesus.

Like most people,  I cannot begin to fathom the pain Jessica is feeling. I can't begin to imagine the whole in her heart and that of her family. And that is where I am. I grieve with my friend. I rejoice that Caleb is free from anything that held him back and from pain and from sickness. But I still grieve because he was loved so whole-heartedly and is now gone.

I also hope and trust. I praise God that Jessica knows Him and has her foundation in Him completely. I praise God that though there is pain, though there is grief, she sees a bigger picture - she sees Jesus. I know her hope is in Him. I pray that I would trust Jesus as I have seen Jessica trust Him. Our lives, our children, our futures are not in our hands nor are they ours. Our lives are in the hands of the Almighty and exist for His glory and His name. I pray that our family would trust Him and find our peace and joy in Him no matter the circumstances. May we glorify Him with our lives. Nothing else matters.

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