Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Baby Blue

Lots been happening so I'll try to summarize...

Boy oh boy - it's a boy. Yep, we found out a couple of months ago. I'm not a proponent of a hundred purposeless sonograms, but we agreed to do 1 and happened to find out that we're having a son. How exciting is that?! When people ask, and I tell them, it seems they like to use this line right afterwards, "Oh, I bet your husband is so happy." Uh, he would be happy either way folks. We weren't biased, we didn't care. We were honestly those people who are just happy. I mean it IS in God's hands after all, right? I mean, we can't control it, so why try to choose either way? It's annoying when people constantly tell you, "I hope it's a _____." Hello, it's out of our hands. Anyway, "Baby Blue" is a hyper lil fellow right now. For several days I wondered if he even napped. It's amazing to think about how life begins, forms...what in the world is a baby thinking? What is Baby Blue doing when it feels like a wet dog is shaking the water off in there? Lovin' it!

Obviously Baby Blue has no official name yet.

On kind of a downer - one of my mom's younger sisters was diagnosed with lymphoma just 2 weeks ago. It was all very sudden. She had been feeling bad for a couple of weeks and had swollen gland. They thought it was her thyroid. She went in on a Friday for some additional blood work, they ended up admitting her to the hospital, and by the next morning they told her the mass growing around (kinda on the side and behind) her heart was a lymphoma. They did a procedure that morning and wanted to start chemo, but they waited until the following week for the first treatment. They've done 2 and will do the chemo every 3 weeks for a few months. Then radiation. Crazy. All crazy.

Lots of stuff happening. Lots of it. And lots of dumb drivers in Dallas.


MIssi said...

Ooooo.. Wait until you have a girl, and then you'll get comments like, "Yep, you've got your girl, now you can quit." We have people say that ("OH, I see, you kept trying for that boy!") to us and it's really fun to say, "Uuuhhh... Actually I'm pregnant again. Is there a rule you can only have one boy?" Of course, now that my belly is showing people just look at me like I"m crazy and back away slowly with no questions asked. ROFL

Susy said...

lol. yeah, people like to impose those rules. one of each gender, and that's it.

it amazes me that once someone has 3 or 4 children, people think that's a huge family. a friend said to me recently when she found out she was having her third, "i've got a tribe..." i wanted to laugh. i immediately thought of the dear people i love who are with 3, 4, 5 kids and are just getting started. love it.