Monday, March 23, 2009

Really Annoying Things

1. It's really annoying when people email me and expect me to respond right away. I know they expect this because like 2 days later they're like, "Are you okay? I didn't hear back from you...etc, etc." But then when I respond they don't respond to me...EVER. Um, hello, double standard! UGH.

2. Blinkers. People driving with their blinker on because they forgot to turn it off after changing lanes is seriously ANNOYING. Pay attention, turn them off! Oh, and while you're at it, get on the right lane if you're driving 42 in a 60. Seriously?

3. Don't ignore my text messages. If you can't meet up with me on Fri because you have other plans, I don't care. It's one thing to forget. I do it all the time. It's another thing to ignore. I know when you're doing it because you respond to me at other times.

Seriously annoying.

4. Oh, if you break something of mine that's kinda should probably offer to replace it. It's proper etiquette. It's biblical. I probably wouldn't feel right about you paying for the entire thing anyway. It's just the fact that you offered that matters. Assuming it doesn't matter really annoys me. Oh, and if your kid broke it, it's different. Kids are kids. They're meant to break things. That's what they do - eat, poop, and break things.


racheljenae said...

how about this to add to your list... can you pllllease post some prego pictures :) i want to see you with a belly since i haven't seen you lately :)
What's that verse about continuing to ask and ask and ask the Lord for something... I always took it as if you keep asking Him and annoying Him he will give in so you will be quiet :) That's what i'm doing here!

Susy said...

ha. i don't know if that works for Him, but it doesn't with me. i just ignore. :) BUT how about i just see you soon so that you don't have to just see pics?

Anonymous said...

I wanna see a pic too!

Your post really cracked me up! Is this irritation pregnancy related?

I hate when people don't show up for things and don't call too. AND, my biggest (current) pet peeve are people that email and ask me questions, then I take the time to give a thoroughly researched lengthy answer, and they don't even say thanks and I never hear from them again...except when they have another question. GEEZ. I am not an encyclopedia, people! I've started ignoring said emails. It's liberating. Some people have the gall to continuously ask, but I'm like you... it doesn't work. =P

Susy said...

pregnancy related? not sure. i'm always kinda feisty; i just keep it under wraps sometimes. these days i say what's on my mind way more than ever. hmmm...