Thursday, August 28, 2008

As Time Goes By

Not such a bad day today was. Definitely better than yesterday, but we continue to look forward to better days.

Mom woke up with no nausea so she was able to eat the equivalent of about one egg and a piece of toast. She was also able to get up to shower. Of course, that wore her out, and she went down for a nap. Upon waking the nausea had returned and remained until earlier this evening. She's been taking in liquids pretty well, just not enough yet.

The good news is that the results from the CT scan and EKGs all came back fine. In fact, the blood clots Mom developed about a month ago that traveled from her arm into her lungs have all dissolved. VERY COOL!

Now we just patiently wait for Mom to get better and better, little by little. I get a little eager beaver in me and automatically think we'll have 100% progress in one day when we rise to a good start. It wasn't that way, and that was disappointing to me. What can I say? I'm a girl of high expectations and somewhat a microwave at that. I do, however, realize that this will take a little time and a little effort. I still stand on the fact that my mom is in God's hands. His hand is not removed from the situation, and I take comfort in that.

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