Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Update 3/4/08 - another one

We just got home from the hospital about 20 minutes ago. *yawn?* My mom had fluids through IV scheduled at 5, and they take 3 hours to finish. She started at exactly 6 pm, and we finished around 9:20. Well, we were in one building, and to walk to the building where you have to park, it takes a good 20 minutes...walking at a regular speed. Since my mom is too weak to walk much, she's been using a wheelchair, and it would've taken us FOREVER. The great thing is that they have little 'shuttles' (oversized golf carts) so getting to the building wasn't a problem...um, but they finish their rounds at 8:45 pm. We could've walked it, but unfortunately my mom has had way too many bowel movements today (all the 'D'), and there's no restroom on the way to/from...

...well, security called a van that drove us to the building, blah blah. We're kinda worn today. I say that knowing that my mom is BEAT. I have nothing about which to complain.

So yeah - the doctors want her to have at least one bowel movement per day but no more than 3. Today we're already above 9. Thank goodness she was scheduled for fluids because otherwise she'd be dehydrated already. If it continues, though, we'll have to make another trip to the ER. You know, the ER is not something I dread. In fact, it's almost comforting because they can help my mom in ways that we cannot. Of course, we do our best to avoid that, but I'm glad it's there if we need it.

And (yeah, I know it's not grammatically correct to begin my sentences this way) let me just take this time to say how great it is that 99% of the hospital staff has been amazing. And it's great that we just give them my mom's lil patient number, and they know pretty much EVERYTHING about her. They can pull up her labs at any moment, etc etc. Their system allows the kind of efficiency that Susy believes belongs everywhere in the world.

Okay, so as I finish this and you read it...hopefully we'll be on our way to my mom's last radiation treatment. She just finished some yogurt with protein powder, and is working on her liquids. Let's pray for no ER!

Tomorrow she rings the bell!

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