Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year

I can't believe it's been months since I last blogged. I've thought about it like every other day probably, but I just didn't want to do it. I have all kinds of blog-thoughts, but I was on edge for a while, and I'm still not totally comfortable letting my guard down for the world to see...since the world does in fact read my blog :]

I know, I know - that's how we all learn and grow and relate to each other - with and because of our vulnerabilities; however, there is a time for everything, and the time had not yet come.

What better time than the New Year to start fresh?! Lots has happened since my last blog - Xander turned 1 (!!), we finally got back to Texas permanently - Rowlett to be exact, Thanksgiving, Christmas...and more. I'll share about it all soon enough.

For now I'll leave with this - what are you expecting this year? I know, I know - it's every preacher's question to his congregation each and every year, "what are you expecting from God?" But I want to approach it a little differently in my life - what will I do differently? How will I love more and better? What can I do to serve Jesus by serving and loving those around me? That's the only way my expectations can change - that is if I change. If I choose to love and serve more. Seems simple enough...

So here's to a Happy New Year and new expectations, beginnings, and opportunities.

1 comment:

THE Princess Bombshell* said...

SIX months, dude!

:-) Glad to see you back.

Happy New Year, doll!