Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I should be sleeping. It's past 1 AM, and I'm supposed to drive my mom to her office tomorrow morning, which I remind myself is 45 minutes away.

I tried to sleep. Maybe it's that pink frosted cupcake on the mind. I didn't bake one today, but I did hear of a great place in Sugarland that has exactly what I'm looking for - giant cupcakes. Have I mentioned that we pass through Sugarland every time we make a trip to the hospital...which can be 2-5 times/week? Not good, folks. Not good.

Mom - she's doing much better today than Sunday or yesterday. She worked from home today, and again, tomorrow we'll head to her office.

Me - I did it. I'm embarrassed to say it because I typically could care less, but today I was weird. Today I bought a gossip magazine. Honestly, most of the time I could care less about which celebrity is going to jail, getting pregnant, or breaking up with the other celebrity because celeb #1 found out celeb #2 was having an affair with celeb #3. I don't care but will sometimes pretend to for the sake of conversation with those who do care...unless it's someone I really care about...then I care (wha?). Since I haven't been able to concentrate enough with any book to get past the first 7 lines, I figured I should try this. Well, the pictures were entertaining enough...I guess. No, you know what? This magazine actually had relevant news-worthy stories in it, and I was able to get through 2 of them. Amazing.

I was going to blog about one article, but I think I'll leave that for tomorrow. Sleepy times are finally coming.

Sweet dreams...of giant pink buttercream cupcakes...

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