My mom had to do blood work pretty early because they had to re-insert her PICC line at 7:30. That whole thing isn't just the actual procedure, but it also involves x-rays to be certain the line was placed correctly, this floor, that floor, etc. Then there was the doc appt and this and that. She was supposed to begin the chemo around 3:30, but it was closer to 5 when they got her hooked up.
The PICC line insertion went okay, but the nurse did hit a couple of nerves, and Mom is still feeling some of the pain from it. They said that'd be normal for a few days.
We had to go back again today just for them to check the PICC line. All is good.
Mom has done okay. The chemo just makes her really tired, and tonight she has a bit of nausea. She wanted to try church tomorrow if she wasn't feeling to bad, so we'll see how that goes.
On another health note, my mom's cousin (my second-cousin), Dana, has been doing well post-surgery. To make a very long story short, she has a heart condition that has required a heart transplant. Unfortunately, Dana hasn't been eligible for a transplant because of this and that. The doctors performed a surgery last week to place a VAD, a device that basically helps hear heart pump. Once her pulmonary numbers are better (which this device should do), she can be placed on a transplant list. This is all very simple language and a very brief explanation of the entire situation. I don't know that I even understand it all, but I know that God knows, and that's all that matters. When you think of my mom, say a lil' prayer for our cousin, Dana, as well (and the family for that matter).
There are better days ahead for many reasons. I love it when the signs of fall show themselves because it means not-so-hot days in Texas...although, that's still a bit a way. It means a change in means FOOTBALL.
I LOVE, LOVE watching football, NFL or college. College is really hard for me to keep up with, though, so I haven't done well with that for several years. NFL is a bit easier, and I'm super excited that pre-season begins next month. That's a great thought. It's a great distracting thought. I really haven't kept up with ANYTHING that's happened with my beloved COLTS during the off-season, but I do know about the injuries - not good. You know, it's just not the same when they're playing without the entire team. It's not the same with Dwight Freeney isn't out there to sack Tom Brady. It won't be the same if Bob Sanders isn't around to run all over the field. And I can't say how disappointed I be if they have to play any games without the ever-so-amazing Peyton Manning.
Last year my cuz took me to my first Colts game, and I, of course, wore my entire getup. I forgot my blue & white pom-poms, but that was okay because I think the people next to me would've beat me up.
For Christmas my wonderful Nathan got me more Colts paraphernalia - even more fun.
I've been asked in the past why the obsession with the Colts. Click here to read a little more about that. And just because I'm obsessed, it doesn't mean I don't like other teams. The Cowboys are almost right up there with them. If I had my own fantasy team, I'd basically put these 2 together...along with a few other players.
Anyway, that's my musing for today.
1 comment:
I know this was a while back...but your poor mom! I remember that Anya's line was touching a nerve for a while and it was terrible pain for her. When your mom gets through this...she will certainly deserve to be proud that she is a "cancer survivor"! What a reason to celebrate!
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