Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Extraordinary Ordinary

So I took a little time today to update myself on the lives of a few fellow bloggers and friends. I came away completely inspired. No, I'm not inspired with new revelation (nothing new under the sun), nor am I inspired with original thought (dream on). Inspired because I'm surrounded by such amazing people. My life is incredibly rich because I have the privilege of sharing in the lives of people who are changing the world in extraordinary ways.

I have friends who are changing the world by investing into the little blessings (children) God has given them.

I have friends who are giving of themselves to complete strangers in foreign countries.

I have friends who are furthering their education in fields such as politics, medicine, and education to serve God in such arenas.

I have friends who serve in different facets of the local church (from cleaning to pastoring).

I have friends who are working 'whatever' jobs, saving money to go on the mission field, go to school, or start their own businesses.

I have friends working in the market=place, sometimes doing the monotonous but changing the world by the way they live their lives - day to day. They're providing for their families.

These are the kind of people I know. These are the people who inspire me because they're doing today what they're called to do today. They're doing what they're called to do in God's kingdom today. They do the ordinary extraordinarily.

God gives each of us not just a personality, but also giftings and abilities to perform whatever it is that He's called us to do. And that often changes. No, He doesn't change; but I do believe that there are seasons in life. Today you may be called to do one thing, and tomorrow, next month, or next year things could change because you're called to the next thing in YOUR life.

What I love about the people of whom I speak is that they do what they're called to do right now. Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't mean it's easy. No, in fact, following Jesus means taking up our cross (Matt 16:24). It means suffering with Him (Rom 8). It means death to our selfish desires. However, if we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts. When we spend time with Him and allow Him to work in us, mold us, change us, He places His desires within us.

That's what these people are - like David, they're after God's own heart. They pursue Him in their everyday lives rather than chase after someone else's destiny. What I'm learning from them is not to feel 'inferior' if I'm not doing what they're doing. We are each called, and at the risk of sounding terribly cliche, we each have a destiny, and today is part of it. If you're called to the mission field today, do that. If you're called to the marketplace or to your home, do that. Let's not waste time thinking about what we're not called to do. I've done that, and not only is it terribly depressing, but it's wrong. Remember, it's a season, and should it be a rather unpleasant one, remember it's only a season.

I was fascinated today by reading the great successes of just a few I know. They are successes not because of what they've accomplished or attained. No. They are successes because they are doing today what they're called to do today. Nothing more, nothing less.

What am I called to do this day?

(p.s. I'm typing this without the help of my contacts or glasses. Please forgive any crazy spelling errors. I don't, however, apologize for grammar. It's my blog, and I'll grammar it to my discretion.)

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