Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's NOT the User

Apparently I don't know how to use wireless internet. My mom has been going to her office for several hours when she's having an okay day. Today was one of those days. So what I typically do is drop her off, set up her computer, remind her to drink her juice and head off to Bay City (she works about 7 minutes from there). There's this coffee bar in Bay City with free wi-fi, so I go today with business in mind. By business I mean just stuff I have to do...all requiring the internet. I spent about 20 minutes trying to log on without success. So I call my computer tech cousins, and one of them really is amazing with this stuff and can walk people through fixing anything over the phone. Well, I don't know what's wrong with me, but the ridiculous computer wouldn't sign on. Ugh. I even tried the lappy that the green gobblin got to but only to be even more frustrated with the entire thing. Of course, I started blaming it on their system, but it was apparent that their system was fine when a 75 year-old 2 tables beside me could get on the WWW with no problem. So frustrating!

Eventually I decided to quit wasting the luxury of my time and returned to my mom's office. It's better that I'm here. I mean, I feel bad when I 'drop off' my mom and leave anyway. I should be here, you know. What if she starts feeling really bad. Yeah, it only takes me a few minutes to come get here, but still. At least here I can remind her to drink her juice.

So it looks like I'll be heading up to Kansas for the 4th of Jul to see the hubby for at least a couple of days. Yay!

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