Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Drive Much?

Do you know what the left lane is for in the Unites States of America? If you do not, apparently you are among the millions of Americans who chose not to show up on the day they taught driving at driving school. If you know what it's for and insist on driving in the left lane even though you're going slower than the people on the right lane, then you are just the kind of person...who really makes me mad. Do you realize that this action causes more accidents than running red lights? Okay, so I don't really know that for sure. Actually I made that up, but still - it's probably close to true...just as close are you are to getting hit by all the crazies trying to get past you while you idle next to the car on the other lane...going the same speed...for 20 minutes. Seriously?!

I've made several trips to and from Houston and other places the past week, and I'm certain that more people than not don't pay attention to the law that states that one should use the left lane for PASSING. Seriously.

Moving on to more important matters - mom got her chemo port inserted yesterday. It's almost just like the one they inserted when she had the TPN. It's in a vain that runs from her arm to her heart, and this is what they'll use to infuse the chemo.

Mom's first treatment will be on Friday morning. Originally they told us she'd only be infused at the hospital for 20 or 30 minutes. They lied (I don't think they meant to). She will actually be infused for about 3 hours. Then she'll carry a little fanny pack home that continues to infuse that yuck stuff for 48 hours. They still plan on beginning with small doses and will increase them gradually.

Overall she has been better. It's sometimes hard to see that from day to day, but thinking about her state 2 weeks ago and even last week, I know Mom's definitely improving. It's as the doctor said - a slow healing process. I'm such the "microwave American." I want things here and now. (On a complete side note - that does NOT mean that I at all condone the actual use of microwave ovens. You should really consider yours. Really. Consider tossing it in the landfill that is. Or if you're into the whole global warming thing, you can recycle it or whatever. You can even make artsy stuff with them.) Wow, that was a total rabbit trail...

Let me just say that I should've been asleep 10 hours ago...which really means at least a couple of hours ago. I've gotten in this terrible habit lately of staying up late, sleeping in till like 8 or 9 sometimes...unless we have to leave for the hospital at 6 am that is. I don't like it. I quit this staying up stuff years ago when I realized how hazardous it was to my wannabe healthy lifestyle. I'm all about the early bird catching the spider or whatever. Anyway, I've been doing a lot of 'inspirational' thinking, chatting, writing, and I'd love to share that one day soon. I just get so sleepy when I start to blog. Maybe after I nap.

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