Wednesday, April 25, 2007

what david hasselhoff & i have in common...and deodorant

so i'm gonna let you in on a little secret so that you won't be embarrassed for me next time you see me sweat. I DON'T WEAR DEODORANT! that's right. i tossed the stuff away. well, okay that's not entirely true. more accurately, i don't wear antiperspirant. i could go into a long blog about the terrible effects of antiperspirant, but i'm not the best at explaining it, so i'll direct you to a website where you can educate yourself on it. read this and watch the video:

still wearing antiperspirant?

it seems that hollywood is slowly catching some of the hippie vibe as well. it's true, from justin timberlake (not pictured) to even nicole kidman and naomi cambpell, the 'stars' are beginning to get the picture as well and have banned the poison of antiperspirant and most deodorants.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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so when you see me sweat the small stuff, don't sweat it for me. i'm perfectly comfortable with my decision and hope that you, too, can take one more step to rid your body of poisonous toxins. deodorant is the devil. okay, so myabe not, but you get my point.

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Girl...I love knowing that I'm not the only weirdo floating around town :)

I've been living with the Crystal and it's pretty good!