Friday, May 18, 2007

leaving on a...trailer

As some of you may or may not know, Nathan & I are moving to Kansas. We've known for a while that at some point we would probably be moving there, but we just never knew the timing. "'The time has come,' the walrus said..."

I turned in my notice at work about 3 weeks ago to give my boss enough time to find someone I could begin training. Within a week, I was already training, and the transition process there has gone very well. My last day at work will be May 18, after which I will go to the enchanted city of Lake Jackson to visit friends and family for a week. On Memorial Day weekend, some of my family will then help me drive our belongings to the land of Kansas to join Nathan, who has been there for a little while already.

I've been asked over and over how I feel about this move, etc. etc. I AM SUPER EXCITED! A year ago I didn't think I'd ever say that. If you know me semi-well, you know that I'm a city girl. I love the movement, the energy, the people, and sometimes even the traffic. I've come to a point, though, of a complete change of heart. Although I may always be a city girl, I'm looking forward to a change of pace.

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Don't forget to keep me posted!