i cracked up because i know how much i actually amuse him. so i was glad to see him amused rather than annoyed by my ordering habits. well, then i get an email from a subject we'll call felix. felix writes me, "...you really should watch the stuff you put on your page. people may think you actually drink and even have problems with pills and things. it could really ruin your reputation...i don't know that i can associate myself with you if you're going be putting up comments like this..."
yes, silly people equals silly comments. if felix actually had any clue about who i am, who my husband is and what we're about, he wouldn't have reason to make this comment. felix has no clue what that was about. now, i do agree that we should watch what we do and say and write because we affect people. our decisions affect those around us. the thing is that felix is so concerned about others' opinions and feels condemned about who knows what, that felix has the need to interfere with things of which he's completely uninformed.
my issue with it was this: let's say i'm actually an alcoholic, and let's say i have pill-popping problems - would felix have cared about that at all? would felix try to come to my rescue? i don't know. felix is too concerned with not getting dirty, that he forgets what he's called to do - love. if i had pill and alcohol problems, that's what i would need more than anything.
we get so caught up in looking 'pure' and clean and perfect that we forget that when Jesus came, He hung out with the people who weren't looking the best. in fact, He hung out with the messed up people.
there was this prostitute woman that was about to be stoned to death. Jesus rescued her. yes, He rescued the dirty, filthy, sinning woman.
we're put on this earth to love and rescue people. we're to pursue each other when we can and love each other like crazy, like there's no tomorrow.
i've been a self-righteous hypocrite before. i've looked at people in their wretchedness and thought i was so much better just because, "...at least i'm not doing what they're doing...at least i'm better off..." that's the selfish attitude that Jesus spurned.
i hope that i can soon love enough to quit the ridiculous judgments that hold me captive to hellish thinking. i hope that i can love you like crazy.
Well said....
We have to keep the main thing...the main thing...
Such wise words from such a young soul... Thanks for always keeping a balanced perspective. That is one of the things I miss most about you Susy Q. :)
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