The Beatles had it right: "Speaking words of wisdom, let it be." In my life, it's more like 'let it go.' That's what I've had to do in order to find peace. I've mentioned before how the perfectionist in me holds people to a certain starndard, and I base my acceptance (essentially that would mean love) of those people based on how well they perform. That's all according to my standards, of course. Over and over I keep on having to learn this lesson or something. I don't know why, but I just have issues.
This past weekend Nathan & I were having a good time until he brought up a particular subject and particular people we've known a while. People he knows I don't care for very much. They're nice, but I don't particularly care to call 'em up to see how they're doing. Nathan thought I should. I literally just told him, "Whatever."
My attitude went from bad to really bad over something really ridiculous. These people haven't done anything to me, but boy I could really come up with how they had hurt me indirectly.
So I decided to see what would happen if I just followed his advice a little bit rather than my own.
Ugh. It worked. All it took was a little minding my own business and a little kindness. And a little humility and a little bit of Jesus. *sigh* I'm such a mess.
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me... -Paul, the Apostle-
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Along Came a Spider
It's a movie that I'm sure I've seen but of which I have no recollection. Anyway, I thought you should know that I just killed yet another spider. On the ceiling. Of the camper. In which I'm staying. AAAHHH! For real, dude? Yeah. I have spider issues, people. Big issues. I used to have recurring nightmares of giant mechanical spiders and roaches chasing me. And now I'm supposed to be ok with them sleeping with me and my boy. The 28 year-old boy should be sleeping out here; not me! How am I supposed to fall asleep now?
Dear God, help me. Amen.
Dear God, help me. Amen.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Dorothy Left
Being in a place that is not my favorite, aka Kansas, tends to bring out some rotten attitudes out of me. And for all you people more spiritual than me - yes, I know, I know attitudes are choices blah blah blah. Whatever. I cave to those attitudes way more here just because we're out in the country. Without people. And it's colder than Texas. And when it warms up finally, there's tornado warnings all the time and stormy weather. And when it's not raining, it's SOOOOOOO windy. And when all that calms down, it's just hot. I don't feel any in-between weather. It went from 50 and 60 degree weather to 80something just like that.
There's also no WFM. Ok so there's a place called Whole Foods. NOT the WFM we're thinking about.
And the farmer's market just sucks.
And I'm sure I could go on and on. Yes, I could.
But I'm choosing to name 2 good things for every complaint I have because complaints are junk compared to what things could be like. I'm a very blessed person. Complaining is for spoiled people.
So being out in the country - 1) lots and lots of pretty foliage that my MIL spends her time taking care of; 2) nothing like this kind of fresh air
The weather - 1) the rain brings about the pretty flowers and that awesome garden; 2) wind...the wind helps when it's super hot.
Food - 1) no WFM, but there's Green Acres, and they have almost all the stuff I would get at WFM...just on a smaller scale; 2) Dillon's Marketplace has an amazing section of Organic Foods, and they even carry sprouted bread. Amazing. I'll even add 3) no big farmer's market, but the one they have has the exact kind of vendors I was looking for.
Now if only they could build a Costco...
There's also no WFM. Ok so there's a place called Whole Foods. NOT the WFM we're thinking about.
And the farmer's market just sucks.
And I'm sure I could go on and on. Yes, I could.
But I'm choosing to name 2 good things for every complaint I have because complaints are junk compared to what things could be like. I'm a very blessed person. Complaining is for spoiled people.
So being out in the country - 1) lots and lots of pretty foliage that my MIL spends her time taking care of; 2) nothing like this kind of fresh air
The weather - 1) the rain brings about the pretty flowers and that awesome garden; 2) wind...the wind helps when it's super hot.
Food - 1) no WFM, but there's Green Acres, and they have almost all the stuff I would get at WFM...just on a smaller scale; 2) Dillon's Marketplace has an amazing section of Organic Foods, and they even carry sprouted bread. Amazing. I'll even add 3) no big farmer's market, but the one they have has the exact kind of vendors I was looking for.
Now if only they could build a Costco...
Monday, May 17, 2010
Brest is Best - Breastfeeding
I'm a big believer in breastfeeding. Huge. Not only are the benefits amazing for baby, but they're also really great for mom. From lowering risk of breast cancer to helping you lose that baby weight, breastfeeding is the way to go.
There are times when women can't breastfeed, and they have their reasons. But people, please, if it's because it's just dang painful at the beginning, DON'T GIVE UP. And I can say that because I had major issues at the beginning and was in utter pain each and every time Xander latched onto one side. And by utter I mean I would cringe and had to hold a pillow with one hand for dear life while holding his head with the other. It was so bad at first that it brought me to tears. This experience was far from what I had imagined nursing would be like, and it lasted for 8 weeks. I never looked forward to nursing and almost gave up every single day.
But take heart. It gets better. I promise.
I fought hard to breastfeed my Xander because breast is just best. Again, there are reasons for which women sometimes just can't, but if you can, I urge you to stick with it and do it.
My Xander had some puking issues for a little while there, and had I taken him to a doctor, they would've told me he had reflux and put him on formula and who knows what else. How do I know this? Because I have a friend who had similar problems with her little girl, and that's what they did. By similar I mean almost exact. Xander had ALL symptoms of reflux. Now I know they say that a lot of babies have a case of it that they eventually grow out of. This was a little more than that. Anyway, I started an elimination diet. I cut stuff out of my diet little by little, and that cleared up not just the 'reflux,' but other stuff as well. I've been able to eat most things by now, but there are still things I avoid. Guys, I went as far as not eating wheat for a while, which was kinda hard to do with a new little one.
Anyway, here's a great breastfeeding resource that I used a ton at the beginning and still use for random questions. This article was one of the reasons I fought so hard to breastfeed my Xander.
In the end, each mom has to choose what she will do. Our kids will all turn out fine. However, I do encourage you to fight to breastfeed if you can. It's worth it.
There are times when women can't breastfeed, and they have their reasons. But people, please, if it's because it's just dang painful at the beginning, DON'T GIVE UP. And I can say that because I had major issues at the beginning and was in utter pain each and every time Xander latched onto one side. And by utter I mean I would cringe and had to hold a pillow with one hand for dear life while holding his head with the other. It was so bad at first that it brought me to tears. This experience was far from what I had imagined nursing would be like, and it lasted for 8 weeks. I never looked forward to nursing and almost gave up every single day.
But take heart. It gets better. I promise.
I fought hard to breastfeed my Xander because breast is just best. Again, there are reasons for which women sometimes just can't, but if you can, I urge you to stick with it and do it.
My Xander had some puking issues for a little while there, and had I taken him to a doctor, they would've told me he had reflux and put him on formula and who knows what else. How do I know this? Because I have a friend who had similar problems with her little girl, and that's what they did. By similar I mean almost exact. Xander had ALL symptoms of reflux. Now I know they say that a lot of babies have a case of it that they eventually grow out of. This was a little more than that. Anyway, I started an elimination diet. I cut stuff out of my diet little by little, and that cleared up not just the 'reflux,' but other stuff as well. I've been able to eat most things by now, but there are still things I avoid. Guys, I went as far as not eating wheat for a while, which was kinda hard to do with a new little one.
Anyway, here's a great breastfeeding resource that I used a ton at the beginning and still use for random questions. This article was one of the reasons I fought so hard to breastfeed my Xander.
In the end, each mom has to choose what she will do. Our kids will all turn out fine. However, I do encourage you to fight to breastfeed if you can. It's worth it.
Carry On
Life does go on. Whether or not my baby wakes up 99 times at night or not, life goes on, and so will we. I saw this at Target the other day.

Stay calm. Be encouraged, my friends, and know that this too shall pass.
Stay calm. Be encouraged, my friends, and know that this too shall pass.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Be a Food Snob
People have asked me how to begin eating healthy, etc etc. My friend wrote a great article on it. This, folks, is basically how we eat as well. Really, it's pretty simple. It can seem overwhelming, but start with little things.
The Need for Speed
I'm convinced more than ever ever ever that we were created to be people of community. Period. I'm a first-time momma. And sometimes I feel like an old one at that. Most of my friends are going on at least their 2nd or 3rd child, but I'll have you know that had it been my choice, I would've started with the kiddos a long time ago. We just trust Jesus with that one. Anyway, I feel so old sometimes, so you'd think I would've come into this with a little more knowledge. Not so. I'm very immature at parenting. And very naive. And very ignorant. Not so much dumb, just ignorant.
Xander has never been the greatest sleeper. He's not the worst, he's just not the greatest. Well, not-the-greatest turned into pretty awful over the past month or so. He was waking up every 3 or 4 hours (at night). Not bad. That felt like a breeze. Then it became every 2 hours, and then the boy decided he'd wake every hour.
Now, no, I don't have a lot of stuff I do. I don't have any other children or other major responsibilities. He's it. So I didn't complain. I just took it as it came every night. I figured it was teething or growth spurt or all the running around with moving and packing and trips and whatnot. But after a month I got drained. Bad. And I didn't want to admit it because why complain when he's it?? If he's all the responsibility I have...I didn't want to sound like a wuss or a sissy.
I got a hold of the no-cry sleep book a few days ago, and praise God in heaven who does live, this stuff is working. No, we're not yet where I want to be, but I actually feel a little refreshed for the first time in a LONG time. Yes, Xander reverted to old ways last night, but things are still looking better.
This is why we need community - because I'm not the only one who has ever dealt with it. Don't most moms? And I'm not the last. And I just feel like I'm making all kinds of mistakes with my poor kid. Thank God they're so forgiving at this age. The first-borns - they're like guinea pigs.
Anyway, we're in Kansas right now. A place where it seems people don't believe in community as much as other places. Just sayin.
Xander has never been the greatest sleeper. He's not the worst, he's just not the greatest. Well, not-the-greatest turned into pretty awful over the past month or so. He was waking up every 3 or 4 hours (at night). Not bad. That felt like a breeze. Then it became every 2 hours, and then the boy decided he'd wake every hour.
Now, no, I don't have a lot of stuff I do. I don't have any other children or other major responsibilities. He's it. So I didn't complain. I just took it as it came every night. I figured it was teething or growth spurt or all the running around with moving and packing and trips and whatnot. But after a month I got drained. Bad. And I didn't want to admit it because why complain when he's it?? If he's all the responsibility I have...I didn't want to sound like a wuss or a sissy.
I got a hold of the no-cry sleep book a few days ago, and praise God in heaven who does live, this stuff is working. No, we're not yet where I want to be, but I actually feel a little refreshed for the first time in a LONG time. Yes, Xander reverted to old ways last night, but things are still looking better.
This is why we need community - because I'm not the only one who has ever dealt with it. Don't most moms? And I'm not the last. And I just feel like I'm making all kinds of mistakes with my poor kid. Thank God they're so forgiving at this age. The first-borns - they're like guinea pigs.
Anyway, we're in Kansas right now. A place where it seems people don't believe in community as much as other places. Just sayin.
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