It's like Thin Mints. Sorry lil girly scout chickie-poos. I can't believe I'm actually eating this stuff.
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me... -Paul, the Apostle-
Thursday, February 25, 2010
My Secret Sin
People, I used to make faces - ugly faces - at the thought of Oreos. Now look at what Nabisco has done.

It's like Thin Mints. Sorry lil girly scout chickie-poos. I can't believe I'm actually eating this stuff.
It's like Thin Mints. Sorry lil girly scout chickie-poos. I can't believe I'm actually eating this stuff.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Oh, so this past weekend my friend, Kauline, was in town for a little bit. Even though she was busy taking care of family stuff, she took a few hours to spend with us. Xander loved her. And I'm pretty sure she liked him too...even after he puked in the restaurant. And it was all this momma's fault for accidentally getting egg white in the yolk I was giving him. His poor little face got all splotchy...then he puked all over both of us. Fun times. At least his face rash went away, and we all left happy campers.

He loves his momma

Out on a walk. I need more of this flip-flop weather. C'mon, Jesus, help me out a little bit.

My little running man needs the outdoors as much as I do.
He loves his momma
Out on a walk. I need more of this flip-flop weather. C'mon, Jesus, help me out a little bit.
My little running man needs the outdoors as much as I do.
Addicted to You
It all happened when I was preggers. See, I never cared for it before. If you offered, I'd pass. I could keep it at my desk or anywhere at home, and I wouldn't touch the stuff because it just did nothing for me. Nothing. Then I got pregnant. And I did my best to ward it off. I did well. But I quit practicing my self-control. In fact, I'm completely out of control. And it's all about and because of chocolate. I still don't eat chocolate ice cream, but everything else is pretty much a go. I even downed a box of Chocolate Cheerios the other day. For real yo. I don't even make it a habit to eat processed cereals like that. I'll eat some sprouted cereal once or twice a week maybe, but Cheerios? Oh, but they were chocolate. And the oatmeal cookies? They HAD to have chocolate chips. And I HAD to devour...I mean eat a few chocolate chips as I made the cookies. And instead of making a simple Americano, I have to make a mocha. And brownies...oh my. I've simply got to stop. We work pretty hard at staying healthy, but with all this sugar I'm eating, I'm bound to catch something. Somebody help me.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Los Dientes
OMG, ya'll. He's growing up. My boy cut his first tooth today.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Stay Home
Dear Jesus,
Please heal all my sick friends and their sick babies. It hurts my heart that some have even had to go to the hospital. Please heal them all. Amen.
Dear sick people,
STAY HOME. Sharing ugly germs is pretty inconsiderate and selfish. Thank you.
The End
Please heal all my sick friends and their sick babies. It hurts my heart that some have even had to go to the hospital. Please heal them all. Amen.
Dear sick people,
STAY HOME. Sharing ugly germs is pretty inconsiderate and selfish. Thank you.
The End
and he sleeps
name that movie.
but for real yo. only woke up twice last night, and earlier he took a 2.5 hr nap. that's right - he was down for 2 and one half hours. it's amazing what one can do with that kind of time. Jesus, i will never again take that kind of time for granted. okay, i'll so i may, but i'll try not to. 2 loads of laundry, cookies, lunch, and a quick run to the store. then after our walk he was out within 1.5 hrs. unheard of, folks.
Well, the Xman turned 6 months last Wednesday. KUH-RAZY. Nathan & I are both simply in awe of how quickly time goes. And we're simply in awe of life - God's miracle of life. And we want more little miracles and blessings. After 1 child I've heard some people say that they don't know how they could love another just as much. We feel the opposite. I feel like I just want more little people to love. That's not to say it's roses all the time. Not so, but the investment is so worth it, and I see why God calls them blessings.
So here's to our 6-month old.
but for real yo. only woke up twice last night, and earlier he took a 2.5 hr nap. that's right - he was down for 2 and one half hours. it's amazing what one can do with that kind of time. Jesus, i will never again take that kind of time for granted. okay, i'll so i may, but i'll try not to. 2 loads of laundry, cookies, lunch, and a quick run to the store. then after our walk he was out within 1.5 hrs. unheard of, folks.
Well, the Xman turned 6 months last Wednesday. KUH-RAZY. Nathan & I are both simply in awe of how quickly time goes. And we're simply in awe of life - God's miracle of life. And we want more little miracles and blessings. After 1 child I've heard some people say that they don't know how they could love another just as much. We feel the opposite. I feel like I just want more little people to love. That's not to say it's roses all the time. Not so, but the investment is so worth it, and I see why God calls them blessings.
So here's to our 6-month old.
Monday, February 15, 2010
I Keep AAA in Business
Let's say you locked your keys in your car...with your child in in it. Which of the following would you prefer in that situation?
A)A friend who panicked
B)This friend would analyze the situation very carefully. Great. But in all of the analyzing did nothing. Friend B would want to tell you how great of a mistake it was and how not to do it in the future and how to do this and that and the other. Great. But the problem is still a problem. It hasn't solved anything.
C)This friend would say "I'm praying for you." Friend C would pray. He really would. Then he would preach a sermon about mistakes. He wouldn't ever say "You shouldn't ____," but in fact would be preaching to you. He would call in encouragement. Hmmm...still the problem remains - baby and keys are in car.
D)Friend D runs inside, asks her husband "What should we do? Keys are in car with the baby? Call AAA?" And within seconds is on the phone with AAA. Never scolds. Then insists on waiting out in the cold with you while AAA is on their way. And spends the time chatting it up so that you don't panic.
Well, thank the Lord in heaven above that I have Friend D. I did it. I locked my keys in the car...with a sleeping Xman in it. It actually happened about 3 or 4 weeks ago, but I just forgot about it. I am the reason we pay $51 annually for AAA. I'm notorious for locking keys in cars just because. Well, at that point I hadn't yet renewed our membership so thank goodness my friend had. I was leaving her house, had put Xander in the back and threw the keys into the front seat in a car that doesn't have auto locks. I almost panicked, but I was thankful for several things:
1)My lovely friend who had just renewed her AAA membership.
2)My lovely friend who stayed with me the entire time, though she had dinner to make for 3 hungry kiddos and never complained about any of it. Nor did she make fun of me at that moment. Nor did she scold me.
2)My Xander was already asleep when I put him in there. It wouldn't have been fun had I put him in there half awake. He eventually would've gotten desperate because of the still car and prolly would've cried hard. Thank you, Jesus, that didn't have to happen. I think that would've really stressed me out.
3)It wasn't summertime. We really would've just had to break a window had it been spring or summer.
4)Speedy AAA people who understood there was a baby in the car and were there speedily.
I shared the hypothetical situation because...well, because I'm just venting frustration about some recent situations that have nothing to do with keys being locked in cars.
In all things, we are to respond in love. Now that means different things in different circumstances and with different people. When I locked my keys in my car, I knew what I had done. The minute I shut the back door, I knew. Sitting out there, praying to God that Xander would continue to sleep was enough for me. It was like punishment...not that I needed 'punishment,' but you get what I'm saying. Sometimes the consequences don't need further consequences. A lecture would have done nothing for me. Someone analyzing the situation wouldn't have helped either. What I needed at that moment was action, and that's what my lovely friend did.
When someone is in trouble, a lecture, analysis, prayer majavascript:void(0)y all be helpful. They may all be necessary, BUT everything must be timely. There IS, my friends, a time for everything. When someone messes up, we should be the last to point throw stones. At that point most people usually know where they've messed up, and what they need is understanding. They need to know they're not alone. And they need to know that you'll be there no matter what. They need to know it's going to be okay. There will be time for the other stuff later. They just need a little love.
Oh, and I learned something too. So on the back of my Texas DL, there's this number that you're supposed to be able to call if you're out on the road and need help. Well, that basically only works if you're out on a major highway. Glad I never depended on that.
A)A friend who panicked
B)This friend would analyze the situation very carefully. Great. But in all of the analyzing did nothing. Friend B would want to tell you how great of a mistake it was and how not to do it in the future and how to do this and that and the other. Great. But the problem is still a problem. It hasn't solved anything.
C)This friend would say "I'm praying for you." Friend C would pray. He really would. Then he would preach a sermon about mistakes. He wouldn't ever say "You shouldn't ____," but in fact would be preaching to you. He would call in encouragement. Hmmm...still the problem remains - baby and keys are in car.
D)Friend D runs inside, asks her husband "What should we do? Keys are in car with the baby? Call AAA?" And within seconds is on the phone with AAA. Never scolds. Then insists on waiting out in the cold with you while AAA is on their way. And spends the time chatting it up so that you don't panic.
Well, thank the Lord in heaven above that I have Friend D. I did it. I locked my keys in the car...with a sleeping Xman in it. It actually happened about 3 or 4 weeks ago, but I just forgot about it. I am the reason we pay $51 annually for AAA. I'm notorious for locking keys in cars just because. Well, at that point I hadn't yet renewed our membership so thank goodness my friend had. I was leaving her house, had put Xander in the back and threw the keys into the front seat in a car that doesn't have auto locks. I almost panicked, but I was thankful for several things:
1)My lovely friend who had just renewed her AAA membership.
2)My lovely friend who stayed with me the entire time, though she had dinner to make for 3 hungry kiddos and never complained about any of it. Nor did she make fun of me at that moment. Nor did she scold me.
2)My Xander was already asleep when I put him in there. It wouldn't have been fun had I put him in there half awake. He eventually would've gotten desperate because of the still car and prolly would've cried hard. Thank you, Jesus, that didn't have to happen. I think that would've really stressed me out.
3)It wasn't summertime. We really would've just had to break a window had it been spring or summer.
4)Speedy AAA people who understood there was a baby in the car and were there speedily.
I shared the hypothetical situation because...well, because I'm just venting frustration about some recent situations that have nothing to do with keys being locked in cars.
In all things, we are to respond in love. Now that means different things in different circumstances and with different people. When I locked my keys in my car, I knew what I had done. The minute I shut the back door, I knew. Sitting out there, praying to God that Xander would continue to sleep was enough for me. It was like punishment...not that I needed 'punishment,' but you get what I'm saying. Sometimes the consequences don't need further consequences. A lecture would have done nothing for me. Someone analyzing the situation wouldn't have helped either. What I needed at that moment was action, and that's what my lovely friend did.
When someone is in trouble, a lecture, analysis, prayer majavascript:void(0)y all be helpful. They may all be necessary, BUT everything must be timely. There IS, my friends, a time for everything. When someone messes up, we should be the last to point throw stones. At that point most people usually know where they've messed up, and what they need is understanding. They need to know they're not alone. And they need to know that you'll be there no matter what. They need to know it's going to be okay. There will be time for the other stuff later. They just need a little love.
Oh, and I learned something too. So on the back of my Texas DL, there's this number that you're supposed to be able to call if you're out on the road and need help. Well, that basically only works if you're out on a major highway. Glad I never depended on that.
Friday, February 12, 2010
A Record?
I don't know if we actually have a record amount of snow...but I'm almost sure we did. I know it's over a foot of snow in less than 24 hrs, and that makes for prettiness. Things were pretty yesterday, but last night...

No flash, folks. It was that bright out there from the whiteness.
And then this morning - more wow. It looked like Montana. Even the husband who makes fun of Texans in snow was impressed. That says a lot.

Oh, and there were tree limbs down everywhere...not from ice but just the pure weight of the snow. And one right next to our bedroom window. Eeeeek.
Thank you, government officials, for not freaking out and declaring emergencies or anything. No, for real. They actually got it right this time.
No flash, folks. It was that bright out there from the whiteness.
And then this morning - more wow. It looked like Montana. Even the husband who makes fun of Texans in snow was impressed. That says a lot.
Oh, and there were tree limbs down everywhere...not from ice but just the pure weight of the snow. And one right next to our bedroom window. Eeeeek.
Thank you, government officials, for not freaking out and declaring emergencies or anything. No, for real. They actually got it right this time.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Numero Tres
So apparently we're in 3rd place so far with the snow stuff today. Yep, Dallas has only seen 2 other times when it snowed more. I know. My sentence is very elementary, but I'm repeating it as the weather man said it.
So I took the Xman outside for a little while. These are pics from the first time. The second time, the snow was coming down quite harder, and it was all over us. And it was all over his face. And at first he didn't know what to think of it. Then he didn't like it. Then he cried.
And to all the losers from up north who make fun of us when we see snow, shove off. This is why we live in Texas - because we don't like to live in this all winter long. And we still find it so beautiful when it's a winter wonderland.

So I took the Xman outside for a little while. These are pics from the first time. The second time, the snow was coming down quite harder, and it was all over us. And it was all over his face. And at first he didn't know what to think of it. Then he didn't like it. Then he cried.
And to all the losers from up north who make fun of us when we see snow, shove off. This is why we live in Texas - because we don't like to live in this all winter long. And we still find it so beautiful when it's a winter wonderland.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Here I am, ridin' along with Mommy...she likes to be out and about...a lot.

I like to stand on my own. I just don't know balance yet. I was about 4.5 months here.

Because I like to run, they put me in this thing...I didn't get it at first. I just sat there.

Smelling onions...hmmm...

Hanging with my buddy, Josiah.

Watching the squirrel that likes to visit us every day...a few times a day.

I took my first trip to Houston to celebrate Granny's 72nd birthday. On the road with Abuelita.

Playing with Cara

With my Tio Paco, Tia Naticia and cousins

Learning the guitar with Tio Chris

A few of the adult fam that made it. The kids were upstairs

When Granny finally got to hold me

My first trip to the zoo.
A mama with her baby chimp
Fun Times
I like to stand on my own. I just don't know balance yet. I was about 4.5 months here.
Because I like to run, they put me in this thing...I didn't get it at first. I just sat there.
Smelling onions...hmmm...
Hanging with my buddy, Josiah.
Watching the squirrel that likes to visit us every day...a few times a day.
I took my first trip to Houston to celebrate Granny's 72nd birthday. On the road with Abuelita.
Playing with Cara
With my Tio Paco, Tia Naticia and cousins
Learning the guitar with Tio Chris
A few of the adult fam that made it. The kids were upstairs
When Granny finally got to hold me
My first trip to the zoo.
A mama with her baby chimp
Fun Times
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
If I Could Turn Back Time
I'm up against the clock here, folks. Well, since Xander, I always feel like I'm up against the clock. Nathan has asked me why I stress over time. I think I was built to be on a schedule, multi-tasking, getting things done, fixing, doing, going, doing. I get to be home with my baby boy. What's the rush? Well, he's not a sleeper. The kid just plain doesn't like to sleep. During our night feedings, he always looks towards the window to see if there's light coming through it, his cue not to go back to sleep. What will I do when the sun starts coming up at 6 a.m.? Anyway, he's asleep now, and it's the first time in days I've been able to get my lappy to open a program in less than 2 minutes. Something's broken. Ugh. Oh and our DVD player is broken as well.
Moving on. So recently someone asked me something about being a new mom. What's the biggest challenge? it Xander's sleeplessness or being against the clock when it comes to dinner? Has it changed our marriage? Hmmm...hadn't thought about that but yes, I would say for the better. What's the biggest surprise? Easy - the lack of support and mutual respect from other mothers. Wha???
I have found so much negativity and almost disrespect in the world of motherhood. Instead of moms encouraging each other and respecting others' decisions about how they raise their children, there's lots of criticism. And it stinks.
Just recently my friend was attacked about her decision not to vaccinate her children. A funny comment she made turned into a 'fight' via Facebook. It wasn't just another mother sharing her thoughts. This girl got completely critical and rude. She wasn't out to make people think, etc. She was out to be rude, and you could tell. And it ticked me off when I finished reading all of her comments.
I love what Missi had to say about it. Read about it here.
We all make decisions about our lives that others may or may not agree with. Moral of the story? God has given each of us that responsibility, and when it comes to our kids, most of us don't take it lightly. So, instead of criticism, let's respect each other. Yes, there's a place for discussion, but the rude stuff...uh-uh. Something I try to remember - unsolicited advice can be seen as criticism. Amen.
Moving on. So recently someone asked me something about being a new mom. What's the biggest challenge? it Xander's sleeplessness or being against the clock when it comes to dinner? Has it changed our marriage? Hmmm...hadn't thought about that but yes, I would say for the better. What's the biggest surprise? Easy - the lack of support and mutual respect from other mothers. Wha???
I have found so much negativity and almost disrespect in the world of motherhood. Instead of moms encouraging each other and respecting others' decisions about how they raise their children, there's lots of criticism. And it stinks.
Just recently my friend was attacked about her decision not to vaccinate her children. A funny comment she made turned into a 'fight' via Facebook. It wasn't just another mother sharing her thoughts. This girl got completely critical and rude. She wasn't out to make people think, etc. She was out to be rude, and you could tell. And it ticked me off when I finished reading all of her comments.
I love what Missi had to say about it. Read about it here.
We all make decisions about our lives that others may or may not agree with. Moral of the story? God has given each of us that responsibility, and when it comes to our kids, most of us don't take it lightly. So, instead of criticism, let's respect each other. Yes, there's a place for discussion, but the rude stuff...uh-uh. Something I try to remember - unsolicited advice can be seen as criticism. Amen.
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