but for real yo. only woke up twice last night, and earlier he took a 2.5 hr nap. that's right - he was down for 2 and one half hours. it's amazing what one can do with that kind of time. Jesus, i will never again take that kind of time for granted. okay, i'll so i may, but i'll try not to. 2 loads of laundry, cookies, lunch, and a quick run to the store. then after our walk he was out within 1.5 hrs. unheard of, folks.
Well, the Xman turned 6 months last Wednesday. KUH-RAZY. Nathan & I are both simply in awe of how quickly time goes. And we're simply in awe of life - God's miracle of life. And we want more little miracles and blessings. After 1 child I've heard some people say that they don't know how they could love another just as much. We feel the opposite. I feel like I just want more little people to love. That's not to say it's roses all the time. Not so, but the investment is so worth it, and I see why God calls them blessings.
So here's to our 6-month old.
YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! They can't stay awake forever. :-)
I know. I keep thinking, "okay, at some point he'll get tired."
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