Breast milk digests in approximately 2 hours, so if Xman slept 8 hours straight at this point, I'd be a little concerned. He's not ready for that. It doesn't mean other babies aren't. I just know my lil man couldn't do that. Xman can go 4 hours, maybe 5 or even 6, but that's about it. Lately he's gone back to waking about every 2-3 hours at night...which is making me think that pretty soon I'll go ahead and start him on solids (which WON'T be rice cereal or any other grains...but that's another blog). Egg yolks, avocado...I'm wondering if kefir is ok...hmmmm...
(and side note - just because a baby is on solids, it doesn't necessarily mean they'll sleep longer. I don't know this from personal experience, but I know from other mamas and their experiences.)
But anyway, the whole notion that I need to let my son cry it out so that I can give him the gift of a good night's sleep isn't founded on good facts, if you ask me. This isn't to rag on anyone's parenting decisions. The cry-it-out doesn't work for our family, and that's that. Hey, if it floats your boat, it floats you. BUT if it's to 'give' an infant a good night's sleep, it's nonsense. Babies have different sleep patterns than adults. The gift of a good night's sleep is more for the parents, not for baby. Yes, babies need sleep for growth, health and all that good stuff. BUT 8+ hours isn't for exclusively breastfed babies who NEED nighttime nourishment...or sometimes comfort...
...yes, sometimes that's why Xman wakes up, I'm sure, but I won't deny him that either. The thing is that I'm a self-sufficient adult who gets hungry in the middle of the night. Nobody denies me any food. Nobody locks me up in my room so that I can't get to the kitchen and stuff my mouth with 4 bowls of Corn Flakes (yes, it was 4 bowls the other night...and no, I don't make it a habit to eat Corn Flakes. I always keep a box around for certain recipes, and I indulged the other night when I craved some). Why should I starve my child? He depends on ME to feed and comfort him...why would I deny him food?
But anyway, Xander has had better sleeping days, but I really can't complain much. I signed up for a little less sleep when I became a mama, and it's only a season. As a friend said, "the days are long but the years are short."
And here's to hoping tonight is better than last night. What was up with the hourly thing...and then the 2 hr thing after that?
Here's my happy boy.
Niccole had this posted on an old blog:
I think it's a really insightful biblical contrast to The BabyWise "cry it out" method.
Not getting to sleep all night is a huge sacrifice but I look back on some of those moments I spent alone with my babies as some of the most tender and intimate treasures...and I have a poem about that!
Love the website.
And yes, sleeplessness is a sacrifice, but I think we would agree that it's one of the best we'll ever make.
Waking up in the middle of the night - it's all in how you look at it. We GET to spend that time nourishing these amazing little creatures that will grow to astound us. What a gift.
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