Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Been Up To

So my mom is at the halfway mark with her chemo. This past weekend she completed the fourth treatment. I hate cancer.

The weekend was like the other chemo weekends - Friday she was okay, she mostly slept on Saturday, she felt pretty yuck on Sunday, and Monday she felt bad. Tuesday she was better, but still not well. She insisted on going to her office anyway. She's been tired, tired, tired.

She spoke to her doctor's PA yesterday, and they may actually stop the chemo. We'll see what they have to say next week.

My niece has been with us for almost 2 weeks, so I haven't taken the time to blog or anything. This is what we've been doing...

Day one at beach

Day two (also the day after Edouard so the waves were crazy high...swimming in this is NOT something you should try at home with tha kids)

Our spot

and the castle that took FOREVER to complete

1 comment:

Anya said...

Looks like you & your niece had a lot of fun at the beach...wish we could have been there! She looks so much like you!

So why would the doctors stop the chemo?