Saturday, May 17, 2008

Soft Diet

Mom is on a soft diet now and has tolerated her food very well. Tomorrow morning they will give her oral medication and turn the epidural off. If all goes well and her pain is managed, they will remove the epidural. Physical pain is junk. Yes, Mom's pain is manged for the most part, but it stinks that it has to be there at all.

She walked quite a bit today. It was probably twice as much as yesterday. All the walking definitely drained her, so hopefully she can sleep well and for a while tonight. We've both been waking up around 3 when the nurses do labs and all that stuff (though they check on her vitals throughout the entire night), and we have a difficult time really sleeping afterwards. We doze off here and there, but real sleep from 3 on isn't really real.

One of the doctors who works with Mom's surgeon told us that they want to release her on Monday. As long as things go as planned tomorrow, we'll head across the street to the Rotary House, where we'll stay for another week so the doctors can keep a close eye on her.

Today was better, and we'll take that. My prayer request continues to be that her pain is eased and that she continues to progress at this pace. She's doing awesome considering the kind of surgery she just had. I thank God that He's given us so many victories already. Mom is right on target, and I couldn't ask for more. Please pray also that the side effects of the stuff she's on wouldn't be so crazy. Mom forgets so much stuff, and it really bothers her. These drugs would make any of us loopey. Hopefully it'll be better with the oral meds.

Thank you, again, for your prayers. God knows ahead of time what we need. He can take care of it without us; however, he asks us to pray, and I thank you for doing that because we couldn't make it without you.


Anonymous said...

your Mom just amazes me ... I can't believe how much she's up and walking after such a major surgery. She is truly a Supah-Troopah!

Anonymous said...

sorry, it's me, Lisa Frith.

Susy said...

she's stinkin unbelievable!