All of the staff here has been great. Yes, we have some favorite nurses (it's hard not to), but at times, it's like they all become our favorites. Our night nurse is all about thinking positive. All of the nurses are, but this nurse tells Mom constantly stuff like, "'re not weak, don't be scared, the pain will're not weak...positive, positive, positive..."
So now I just ask that you pray that this pain will stay under control. The first 72 hours, the time period for the worst of the pain, is coming tomorrow. I'm definitely hopeful that truly the pain is subsiding even now and will continue to do so.
Oh, another quick prayer request - actually this is 2 - Mom and her husband have been trying to sell their home and move from El Campo to Lake Jackson to be closer to the rest of the family. So far, nothing has happened with that. Sure, it would be in the middle of all this, but it'd be really great to be closer to the family than way out there while she's recovering and also going through another phase of chemo in the next few months. Please pray that their home sell soon.
Lastly...Mom has been trying to get rid of her 2 cats. She loves those cats, but in the long run, it'll be way better for her not to have the cats around. They've been on their own since February basically, and that makes us sad. Don't worry - she's not cruel; someone has been checking on them, feeding them, cleaning out the litter, and all that good stuff. They're good cats, but again, in the long run, it's better that she not have that worry. We thought they had found a home, but it hasn't worked out and may not. Mom wanted to keep them together, but th more she thought about it, the less important that was as long as they both went to good homes. So if you know anyone who'd like a cat or two, let me know.
This is Mom the day of the surgery...well, during the evening sometime after she was in a room.
This is tonight. Notice the tubes have been removed and how much better she's doing.
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