However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me... -Paul, the Apostle-
Friday, February 29, 2008
Update 2/29/08 - Modern medicine is pricey
My mom's pain today got progressively worse. Her stomach hurt so bad she could hardly eat. We did get to see the doctor, who gave her Rx for pain. One of the prescriptions won't kick in for about a day or so, but the other did. Yes, at about 10:30 tonight the pain began subsiding. As we got ready for bed, though, we learned that her stomach didn't take it well - vomiting. It was only once, but enough to deplete her of the nutrients she so needs right now. That 'lil pain lollipop killed the pain at a price. Pray that the vomiting will stop - too much more will land us in the ER.
We decided to stay in Houston this weekend rather than make the drive to El Campo.
I think that's all for now.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Update 2/29/08
There are 7 more treatment days, and we're counting down like never before. Monday, March 10 is the can't get here quickly enough! She'll still have the effects of this for 1-3 weeks afterwards, but at least at that point it'll be 'downhill.'
Humanly, we are at the end of ourselves. I can't help my mom with this pain, and she can't help herself. We are at a place in which we are relying completely and totally on God. We know that He is MORE than able to help as He has done so much already. We also know that His grace is sufficient. So please help me pray for my mom. Sometimes I feel like I ask God the same thing over and over, and then I feel like I've run out of things to pray. Lately I've just been saying, "help." I ask Him for healing, life, help, strength, grace, peace, comfort...I ask for Him.
I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.
I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.
I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is in vain.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Update 2/27/08
I think the emotions of everything have just been building with us so we had a bit of a cry together on our way back because we were relieved and just...emotional about everything that's taking place. So you know what my mom said? She said, "Thank you, God, for being so so good to us. You are so good, so good."
Just as Job said, "...though He slay me, yet will I trust Him..." That's what my mom was doing today. In the midst of her pain, she thanked God for His goodness. God is worthy of our praise in the good times and the bad, and he deserves the praise because of who He is, not what He does. So as Hebrews 13:15 says, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise.
Wonderful, merciful Savior, precious Redeemer and Friend;
Who would have thought that a Lamb could rescue the souls of men?
Oh, You rescue the souls of men.
You are the One that we praise, Your are the One we adore.
You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for,
Oh, our hearts always hunger for.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Update 2/26/08 - You had a bad day?
We made it to the hospital an hour after my mom's first appointments were supposed to begin, but it was just a slow morning. Fortunately, the doctors, nurses, and staff at MD Anderson are incredible, patient, and understanding. They just took us in a bit later. I'm such a freak about promptness and all that, but it's so nice to know that the people here are so understanding about the circumstances.
The doctor let us know that my mom's condition is normal. The side effects are just kicking in more as they had expected they would. They said the awful cramping could be caused by a couple of things. Basically, things are as they should be, and they just encouraged my mom to "hang in there." They know it's easier said than done, so they're careful to listen to everything we have to say and answer all of our questions.
In humor, my mom asked the doctor if she could kinda just take a permanent break from the treatments. Of course, he said no. The treatment has to run its FULL COURSE for it to achieve the desired results. And what are those results? To shrink the tumor and stop any kind of spreading of the cancer. These experienced professionals are giving her the 'dosage' the tumor needs and that her body can handle. I say that knowing that her body is frail, and they know that as well. They know her body will take a 'beating,' but they're monitoring all of it carefully.
I say all of that because I was 'reprimanded' at one point for not asking the doctors to decrease her dosage and for not getting enough information as to the progress. Um, the thing is - we've asked them all of those questions. They continue to let us know that, again, this has to run its FULL COURSE. Believe me, I would love more than anything to stop all of it right now, but I can't do that. People (not doctors I might add) have also recommended all kinds of treatments to my mom and how this can do that and whatnot. You know what? Those may or may not work. What we're doing now is the same. HOWEVER, this is the course of action chosen, and my mom is trusting that God will guide her and help her through each and every step. I know people mean well, but I guess I'm sharing this just so that all know kinda where we are.
Touchy, huh? Sorry...weird phone calls.
Okay, so back to today - as we were leaving the hospital, my mom suddenly hunched over in pain from stomach cramps. A kind nurse (on her lunch break) quickly came to us, helped get my mom to a chair, and went out of her way to get a wheelchair. How does one stay strong in a time like that? Well, again, the cramps are somewhat normal. Specifically the doc said it could be from too much imodium or a reaction of something she was eating...combined with the chemo and radiation. The pain subsided and was even gone within 5 or 10 minutes - thank you, God. My mom was able to eat a little (the menu choices for her are dwindling quickly), and then she napped for about 2.5 hrs. This evening she felt a bit better, but she on and off just feels yuck. That's the only way I know to describe it right now.
So please pray that this cramping nonsense will stop. The other stuff is bad enough. This added to it is just not ...good. Oh, my mom has last 2.2 lbs this past week, so pray that she'll be able to eat a little better to maintain her weight and her potassium (they've put her on potassium so that she doesn't have to worry about even coming close to being low).
I mentioned yesterday that she had 9 treatments left, but we were a day off. She had 10 left, and as of TODAY she has 9.
I've been singing the first verse of this song over and over, meditating on it and making it mine. It's my comfort when things look so wrong...
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your side.
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Update 2/25/08
My mom is pretty much a trooper when it comes to pain and discomfort. She's always been that way. That's why I know that when she says, "I really don't feel well..." and asks for help...I know it's serious.
This morning was pretty rough for her. If it was pure discomfort, it would be one thing, but to see her in pain is quite another. She was sick this morning (I don't like to post some of the details because they gross some people out. If you're interested in knowing how to pray more specifically, just email me) and slept as long as she could before getting up to get ready to head to Houston. I waited until almost everything was packed to wake her. That's so hard - having to wake her up to take meds or whatever else. She had little energy and just wanted to lay down. Shocking?! *sigh* If you know my mom, you know that laying down and resting is just something she doesn't do. The fact that she wanted to lay down was a sign of how fatigued her body was.
We made it to Houston with time to eat lunch AND time for her to take about an hour nap before her treatment. After her treatment, we sometimes try to go to the store or something just so she's not inside all day (she can't be out in the sun right now). Well, today, she didn't even want to wait in the car while I ran in to get some water. She just wanted to lay down. So we came to the travel trailer, and she started to nap again.
My uncle Phil and aunt Janet came this evening to visit for a little while. It's so good to see family, and it's so kind when they have the time to come by. Everyone has so much going on with, and we definitely don't expect anyone to come all the way out here to visit. It's a great surprise when they do.
You know what was good medicine? My mom's laughter. She was talking to my aunt Estrella (who, by the way, is progressing amazingly), and they had a little laugh. That little bit, though, cheered us both. A spoonful of laughter makes the medicine go down...or something.
So that was our day. The evening was a bit better than the morning, but this is definitely taking its toll. My mom prayed today, "Jesus, please help me. I can't do this on my own, but I can if you help me, so please just help me today...and please help..." It broke me. I try my best to be strong for my mom and keep the tears to myself, but today it was hard. Her trust is in Him, who is our ever-present help in time of need.
My hope is built on nothing less
thank Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Thank you!
Update 2/24/08
Saturday - well, yesterday was not the best day. Not only was my mom fatigued, but she had stomach pain and had challenges when it came to using the facilities. Of course, that just wears her out more, so she spent the day laying down on the sofa.
Today has been okay. She woke up feeling a little better but still very tired. She's still having other challenges, but it's not as bad as yesterday. She's sleeping right now as I type.
It's heartbreaking to watch my mom's energy decline and even more so her health from the side effects of the treatments. I'm thankful that she only has 2 more weeks of treatments. That's right - 10 more weekdays, and this phase will be over! Then we wait several weeks and allow her body to recover before the surgery. So in the meantime...we pray. I ask God to relieve her of the symptoms, and I ask Him to give her the grace to endure what comes.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Update 2/21/08
So back to my mom - both yesterday and today she had relatively 'good' days. The doctors continually express how well she's doing considering the circumstances. One of our main tasks now is to keep my mom's diet where they want it, meaning she must eat a specific amount of calories, protein and a minimum amount of fiber each day. With the help of, tracking things isn't that bad (we use fitday to keep track of her nutrition and calorie intake not a weight-loss journal for her). Getting my mom to actually at over 1300 calories every single day is a different story. She does like to eat, but for several months hasn't had appetite. Her meals are also very small, so I'm doing my best to get her to snack. The fun thing is that she gets to snack on high-calorie foods that we healthy people wouldn't normally eat on a regular basis.
My aunt, Estrella, has also had some pretty good days (today & yesterday). She has more and more movement with her left limbs, and she was even able to walk a little today (with help, of course).
Every day is a new day. We don't know what it will bring - trouble, hardship, joy, strength...none of us know. I do know this - God's mercies are new every morning. He's here in our victories as well as our sorrows. We must come to a place in which we're able to thank Him in each and every circumstance. We must thank Him in the sunshine, and we must thank Him in the storm. If we knew no dryness, how could we love the rain?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Update 2/19/08
So mom is now on a low-fiber, higher-protein diet. One of the main side effects of radiation (sorry to gross you out here) is diarrhea, and they want to control that as much as possible. So everything they say to eat to avoid cancer, my mom can't eat right now; while she can and MUST eat all the things we would typically avoid in a healthy lifestyle.
In addition to her blood test yesterday, they did another test to see if mom has a bladder infection. Yesterday she was in quite a bit of pain (different from the stomach pain she experiences). Because it was a culture they took, it will be a couple of days before they know if it was an infection they must treat. Let's pray it's not!
Today mom's stomach has been under control thus far. She's not used to eating so much protein, so her stomach felt pretty heavy after lunch.
Today is also a better day for Tia Estrella. In spite of her physical challenges from the stroke, she called my mom today to find out how she was doing. They said my aunt has actually been moving her left side a bit, and that's awesome news. The Lord is faithful.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
With Fam
...and with Allison and Jacob (da broda's kids), who came to see us on the weekend.
Thanks, fam, for coming to keep us company! And thanks to the fam who did come but aren't pictured and those who went to see Tia Estrella.
Update 2/17/08
(Mom and me on Valentine's Day)
If my mom has been feeling well enough during the weekends, she wants to come HOME. We're grateful for the convenience of the RV Park, but there's just no place like home. My mom is used to open spaces, and even though the RV we're using is decent sized (not huge, but not tiny), she feels cramped and chlostrophobic by the end of the week. We came home on Friday after her last treatment and doctors' appointments and will head back tomorrow morning since her treatments are later in the day tomorrow.
Today she wasn't as tired as she was yesterday, but I have a feeling she will be by the time the night is over. She's been working on 'work' stuff, and I'm pretty sure it wears her down. The thing about my mom is that she doesn't know how not to work. She can't just sit still. I can't remember a time when she could just sit and enjoy a movie. She'd grab something to do or would end up falling asleep. She is, however, trying to be wise about how much to do. She understands that there's more stress on her now with all that's happening with her sister. She's trying to make sure she takes care of herself because she knows that's what she needs to do. My mom is the helper of her family. Well, there are others, but my mom was the one who was there when anyone needed anything. By anyone and anything I really mean that. She's used to jumping and doing when there's a crisis. At this point she knows she can't do anything for her sister or anyone else unless she's well herself.
As for my aunt, she's doing okay. There seems to be a problem with her vision in her left eye, but we believe she'll be out of ICU as early as tonight. The family is thinking about having her transfered to Houston because there are family members here who can all help care for her and help with their little girl. We're all hoping that can take place soon.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Update 2/16/08
This past week was definitely a roller-coaster. Healthwise - my mom experienced some side effects from her treatments, but overall we're thankful that it wasn't worse. She's about 1/3 of the way into it, and THAT'S awesome news. That means she's COMPLETED 1/3 of this phase. Her energy declined and her nausea increased as the week went along, and her comfort level was just up and down. I think news of my aunt's health definitely took a toll on my mom, but even THAT could've been worse. My mom just knew that she really needed to 'deal' with the situation rather than allowing the stress of it make her sick. Stress and any kind of virus or sickness will only slow the progress of her treatments.
Speaking of my aunt (her name is Estrella by the way, which means star in Spanish)...well, it turns out that she had a major stroke, and it's a COMPLETE miracle that she's still with us. The stroke caused some brain damage, wich in turn is causing paralysis in her left arm and her left leg. She has, however, been able to move her left toes. She is still heavily sedated, but the doctors did remove oxygen (so she is breathing on her own), and they also removed her feeding tube. Because she's still been sedated, she's been pretty out of it. She has spoken with the family who is there and even over the phone with my mom for a brief moment. We don't think she's aware of how she got to the hospital. There was quite a bit of trauma, and the matter is more delicate and complicated than I can explain at the time, but I do ask that you say a prayer for her as you pray for my mom.
Please pray for:
My mom's nausea and stomach to stay settled, especially during these stressful days.
My mom's energy level.
My mom's appetite - she gained 1 lb last week, but lost it at the end with all the crazyness. She HAS to eat and does because she can't do her treatments otherwise, but she's NEVER hungry. She's tiny as it is so losing weight is NOT an option.
Yes, we know to expect reactions to the treatments. I mean, all kinds of poisons going into anyone's body will wreak havoc. We know to expect the nausea, diarrhea, etc.; HOWEVER, we also know that God has already been gracious in subsiding some of the side effects, and we want that to continue.
Please also pray for my aunt, Estrella, and her health. I will update on her as much as I am able to do so.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Update 2/14/08
To make a very long story and a very long day short, my aunt had a couple of strokes and some injuries due to the strokes (we believe), and she was undergoing surgery all night long as well as earlier today. The surgeries were successful, but the doctors are still finding damage to her body, and...well, we're all trying to wrap our minds around some of the details leading up to it all. She's under heavy sedation, and they don't intend on waking her for a day or two still. There's a lot we're still trying to figure out right now. In the meantime, we're all concerned about her husband and their little girl, who we call Sweet Pea. Little Sweet Pea is 10 years old, and I'm sure so very confused about her mommy being as sick as she is and all of it happening so quickly and the way it did.
Upon hearing the news, my mom wanted to take off and be by her sister's side, but of course, that's out of the question right now. Fortunately, other family members are on their way to help. We don't know many details, but we do know that God spared the life of my aunt at this time for she could've had worse damage than what she already has. Things could've been much worse.
My mom hardly slept last night, and I was just concerned that the added stress would really aggravate her already weak stomach. She did have more nausea and stomach pain today, but she's doing better at this hour.
We (my mom & I) had some really sobering conversations today. Well, they were sobering, but they were really great. I learned a lot more about my family, my history, etc. I've always admired my mom for all of the sacrifices she made for me and my brother (and so many other people). I've always known she was a fighter. More than ever I am grateful for a mother who has faught so hard against so many odds for her family. I've said it before - she's one of the most selfless people I know. She resembles Jesus and His love more than anyone I know. Is she perfect? No (to me she almost is, though). Only Jesus is perfect. He's done a great work of grace in Her life, and I'm glad to be able to witness it. It wasn't that my mom spoke highly of herself during our conversations; it was that she humbly admitted her weaknesses and spoke so well and highly of others. She doesn't talk about love and forgiveness but humbly lives it.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Mom Update 2/13/08
It never ceases to amaze me how incredible my mother is. We were at the hospital yesterday (since she has daily treatments, we're there at least once a day), and there was a girl probably about my age or a bit younger. We had seen her earlier in a different area with a lady who appeared to be her mom, but the girl was alone this time. We were sitting in the radiation waiting area...the girl was sitting facing us a few chairs down. All of a sudden she gets up, throws her magazine and phone on the floor, and jets to the bathroom to vomit. I felt awful that her mom wasn't there and just wanted to go hug her, but it was a single person bathroom AND I didn't know how she would take it. I mean, some people like to deal with things on their own and don't want other people, especially srangers, to interfere. Of course, my mom's heart really went out to her as well, so she just got up, knocked on the bathroom door, and just helped the girl.
I was so relieved when my mom did that. I know if I was going through something like that and didn't have my mom with me...I don't know what I would do actually. *sigh* It turns out this young lady's treatments began one day before my mom's, but the side effects are really getting to her. The reason her mom wasn't around was because she went to the pharmacy to pick up some nausea medicine.
I don't do well at the hospital. I try to be normal and not let it show, but my heart just breaks because every single day I see these people who are walking through some pretty horrific ordeals. Every single day that they wake up, they have to face this terrible disease and wonder what reactions from the disease or treatments their bodies will have to deal with...either this day, this hour, or this moment. They are very brave people.
My mom is a very brave woman. I hear her thank God throughout the day because she knows her symptoms from chemo and radiation could be worse. God has been good to us. Yes, she's dealing with some physical side effects (nausea, diarrhea, headaches, weird appetite or none at all, light-headedness, etc.), but she says that things could be worse, and she praises God for his grace to endure whatever comes her way.
When I saw some of the cancer patients at the hospital yesterday, I really started praying that my mom wouldn't get this or that or the other. Is that selfish? I felt very selfish, but I just don't want her body to experience all of that.
As we sat down to eat dinner last night, my mom prayed, "Thank you, Lord, for another good day. Thank you that my body is still doing so well, but please help ____ and ____ who aren't. Help those people who aren't..."
It's a reminder to me not only to pray for my mom, but also for the other people around who aren't doing the best. She also reminds me not to forget to thank Him for His goodness. Yes, He has been good, and is good, and He will give us all the grace to endure what may be.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Mom Udpate 2/10/08
I'm certainly glad that she doesn't have treatments on the weekends because it gives her body a little bit of time to recuperate before resuming on Mondays.
That's it for now.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Update 2/8/08
My mom started treatments last Thursday, January 31. Fortunately it was only for 2 days, and then the weekend, during which she has breaks. This week has been up and down for her.
I was planning on going to Texas on Feb 17, but that has changed, and I will now head down there this Sunday, Feb 10.
More to come...