again, i'll do my best to put this in simple english, but i may not be able to do it in a short blog. so i'm going to list the basics first, and then to go deeper, just continue reading.
before wheat is even planted, they receive fungicides and insecticides - CHEMICALS to kill pests. the fda as approved these as 'safe,' but they are NOT. you wouldn't want to take a spoonful of the stuff and eat it, but that's what they do to the wheat seeds. did you know that some of these chemicals are hormones? yes, ESTROGEN-like chemicals that cause our hormones to go CRAZY! these are the chemicals that are making our little boys and girls go into puberty at really young ages. these are also chemicals that contribute to hormone-related cancers.
next - wheat is usually stored for a long period of time, which makes it vulnerable to insects and the like. so not only are the wheat 'storage bins' sprayed with chemicals all over, but most of the time, the wheat itself is put IN the chemicals!
the wheat is then heated at very high temperatures by artificial drying methodsjavascript:void(0)
Publish Post. this causes damage to the protein, RUINING ITS NUTRITIONAL VALUE
here comes the crazier damage, but it takes a bit of explanation, i hope you're in for the long haul. a grain kernel consists of 3 main parts, and the nutrient density is only in existence when these 3 parts are intact. the way that flour is processed and produced in our century basically doesn't keep these together.
in fact the way that flour was made before we went and got in a hurry was completely different. i won't go into it, but because of the nutrients in it (vitamins, minerals, fiber), the flour spoiled quickly (like milk). so just like milk processing, we've done the same with wheat processing - we've sped up the processes (to make more money), have added preservatives (to make even more money), and in turn all of this makes us sick (making them even more money).
so the processing now means that we get some of the grain, and the other parts of it go to feed animals. that means that because it's not intact, we don't get nutrition from it and neither do the animals that eat it.
our ancestors, without knowing why, had a step in making flour that we skip today. this step is crucial because it is the way to benefit from eating a grain or anything made from a grain. before our 'genius' mass manufacturing processes came to be, people soaked their grains overnight (like we would do if making beans from scratch today) and allowed them to dry in open air until they germinated (or partially germinated). that is sprouting. this process is important because it removes PHYTATES from the grains. it's CRUCIAL to remove PHYTATES because they are enzyme inhibitors.
a quick lesson on enzymes - enzymes help break food down so that we can absorb it. if i eat a piece of 'healthy-for-you' whole wheat bread that has phytates (phytic acid), it blocks the enzymes. that means that my body cannot absorb whatever i am eating. so these enzymes that we need to break everything down so that we can absorb nutrients are being blocked by phytic acid, which is in ALL CEREALS, BREADS, PASTAS AND any other type of grain that hasn't been sprouted.
that's one of the reasons that eating 'good' things such as BRAN, WHOLE WHEAT BREAD, and unsprouted grains is a primary cause of intestinal diseases.
a little more on enzymes - cooking, processing, pasteurization and prolonged heat kill them.
wanna have diseases, especially intestinal ones? drink pasteurized milk, cook all of your food, and eat processed foods. oh wait! that's the american diet. moving on...
sprouting not only permits the enzymes to do their job (so that we don't die with lbs upon lbs of waste like john wayne), but it also [naturally] produces and increases the content of different vitamins.
sprouting also inactivates different carcinogens present in grains.
did you know that vitamin E (of which most of us are deficient) used to be present in the real whole wheat bread? that is now depleted because of the high heat of the processing mills.
if all of that still doesn't convince you that processed 'whole wheat' isn't what it's cracked up to be, maybe this will help - most whole wheat bread out there has hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil, one of the main causes of arteriosclerosis.
so WHAT TO DO????? well, you can be a super-hero like my friend, chrystal, and buy your own mill and wheat berries (organic ones) to make your own REAL homemade bread. THAT'S healthy stuff...and it's YUMMY!
...or if you're not yet a super-hero, you can do like susy: go to the frozen food section of the local health food store and pick up SPROUTED BREAD. i have found a couple of different brands, but i don't know that i have a favorite yet. i'll admit that at first, i wasn't crazy about it. however, i don't just tolerate it anymore; i actually do enjoy it now.
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