So complex carbs - we need them, but how do we get them if we shouldn't eat the evil whole wheat bread? VEGETABLES guys. Recently I was having a conversation with a few people and one of them asked me how I get my complex carbs if I don't eat bread. I explained that I do eat sprouted bread, but my main source of complex carbs are vegetables. I was shocked because THEY were shocked that vegetables are complex carbs. A work-out guru had mis-informed these innocent people by telling them that the only way to get complex carbs was from whole wheat products. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
I was so stinkin' upset that I wanted to just shake these people and ask them why they believe such nonsense. I didn't, though. Instead, I allowed myself to realize that it's just pure ignorance. Ignorance doesn't mean stupidity; it means uninformed. It means that some loser took advantage of people's lack of knowledge and poisoned them with his lack of knowledge. When it comes to health, bad information plus lack of knowledge can equal heart attacks.
Here's a very short article on grains and the like that is very easy to read and will shed a little more light on the whole grain issue. It's from a completely reliable source, Dr. Mercola. Sure, he's extreme on a lot of things, but that is only because he understands the implications of our modern-day diets.
You really need to focus on what veggies have the carbs you are discussing. There are so many of the green ones that are carb neutral
i definitely agree. there are some veggies that don't render much nutrition. that discussion, however, is for another blog.
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