Some time back I was having a conversation with some people, let’s call them Jack and Jill. Jack was talking to me about church and having rules in the church for order. Now, if you know me, you know how conversations about ‘church order’ can be music to my ears. This conversation, however, was going in a different direction.
Jack started talking about how people should dress at church. At first, I thought he was going to talk about women’s modesty, but he didn’t go there. Instead, Jack was complaining about how ‘casual’ my generation is in how we dress to go to church. He understood that there are seeker-friendly churches for the ‘newbies,’ and he understood people wearing street clothes to church when they first come. Jack went on to say that people should then begin to dress more appropriately. I asked Jack what he meant by ‘more appropriate.’ He meant wearing slacks, suits, dresses, and skirts. Jack said that it shouldn’t be normal for us to wear jeans to church, especially jeans with holes in them. He said, “…and when you go to someone’s house, you obey their rules. If you come to my house, you obey my rules. So if you go to such and such church, you obey their rules. It’s their house…Besides, people should always wear their best when going to God’s house…”
I understand what Jack was saying. I understand that Jack and I were raised differently so therefore we have different world views and opinions. I agree – when I go to someone’s house, I should follow their rules. So what are my issues? Well, first of all, a church isn’t anyone’s house except God’s. Period. Dot. Secondly, a church building is just that – a building. There’s this thing about me being the temple of the Holy Spirit. I think what that means is that I have the Holy Spirit within me and with me all the time. So if I want to pray, does that mean that I have to put on my ‘best clothes’ and then change into whatever I want to wear the remainder of the day? What I if in the middle of my work day I want to ask God for help as I begin a new project? Does that mean I have to change really quickly into my ‘Sunday best’ then change back to my other clothes 60 seconds later? I mean, if I have to wear my ‘Sunday best’ for God on Sundays, what about other days? If I don’t wear my best for Him on other days, then am I not paying enough homage?
Here’s the deal – my best is what I bring to Him every single day. Whether I’m wearing ‘holy’ jeans (no pun intended) or a suit & tie, I don’t know that it really is a big deal to God. (I’m not going to get into modesty here because that’s another blog.) I really don’t think so. I understand that different churches have different…cultures (for lack of better term). What is culturally accepted in a small-town church in the middle of Kansas may be totally different than what is culturally accepted in a church in downtown…L.A. Now, we shouldn’t culturalize the Gospel, but this isn’t gospel we’re talking about here. I’m not advocating going to church wearing something that will totally distract the service.
I guess what I’m getting to is this – love people. It doesn’t matter if I wear jeans to church or the best suit & tie. The church isn’t supposed to be a fashion show. The church is for fellowship and corporate worship. The focus should be God and people, not ties and jackets.
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