Saturday, October 28, 2006


A hot topic in America today is the controversial subject of illegal immigration in this country. Every person I’ve spoken to believes it’s wrong, but each one has his own opinion about how to solve the issues. The problem is that these solutions don’t address the real problem.

A stuffy nose, coughing, and a fever are all symptoms of a deeper problem. If I take over-the-counter medications, the symptoms may subside for a while, but they will return because I haven’t taken care of the root of the problem.

The proposed solutions to illegal immigration won’t take care of the issue on a long term basis. The heart issue must be addressed if we want real solutions. The end.

Oh, not the end yet. So it was funny – I was riding to a gathering with some friends, and our conversation during the drive somehow led to this whole illegal immigration thing. All of the people, friends A, B, and C are adamantly opposed to illegal immigration, and each, of course, had his own opinion on now to solve the issue. The bottom line, though, was that it’s illegal, and we are to submit to the laws of the land as long as they don’t contradict the Word of God. What’s funny is that when we got to a toll booth, friend C says, “Just run it.” Friends B and C don’t have change, so they say the same. Friend C goes on to say, “I pay taxes, etc., etc., so why should I have to pay to drive on this road?”

My issue with this – that’s just as lawless as a person crossing the border illegally. Just as murder is breaking the law, so was “just running” the toll plaza without paying. Clearly the Bible says that we are to submit to the governing authorities unless they contradict God. A governing authority in the state of Texas and city of Dallas requires us to pay a fee when using a particular road. It doesn’t contradict Scripture; therefore, not paying is disobedience to God’s Word period. We’re not even forced to use these roads. We are free to use other roads. When we choose these particular roads, however, we’re to pay a certain fee. Not paying this fee is wrong.


Anonymous said...

Preach it Sister. So did you call them on the table while you were in the car, or were you person C? LOL!!!

Tim Cartwright

Anonymous said...

Well if person C wasn't driving, then they weren't breaking the law, and maybe person C was just saying that they did not feel that they should pay that extra toll on the road even though they do.

Susy said...

tim - i was NOT person C, and yes, i did voice my opinion

fowler - i'm glad that person C does in fact pay the tolls. i'm proud of C for abiding by the law even though C does not feel it's right. feelings are fickle. by the way, i cracked up when i read your response.