From the time Nathan & I got married, I was ready for kids. Since then, the world has changed, yet still no kids for us. We have friends who have since been married and have had kids (yes, plural), and yet here we are – none. I’ve been asked if Mother’s Day is difficult for me because I’m not yet a mother. I could see why people would ask that. It’s very kind of them to do so, but to be honest, we’re happy. Yes, we think about kids and can’t wait to have them, but boy are we enjoying TODAY. We enjoy the ‘irresponsibility’ of just being and going. I enjoy waking up early to get ready for work everyday (less and less lately, but I still do). I enjoy hanging out with friends on a whim. I enjoy lazy days. I enjoy making memories with my husband, my best friend.
I believe that the reason I can enjoy life this way is because God has me where He wants me. I wouldn’t be fulfilled if I was out of His will. In my short life, I’ve come to know that it’s only in His will that I’m truly content. That doesn’t mean life will be problem free. No, it just means that I can be in a place of peace and have the kind of joy and satisfaction that comes from walking with Him daily.
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