Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Luke 17:17-19

The obvious is remembering to give thanks. We are ungrateful people who thank God only when things are 'good.' I must continue to allow Him to develop a grateful attitude in spite of circumstances. I get that. Today He spoke more to me.

Only one came back. The others were eager to get back to normal life. I mean who wouldn't be? As lepers they had to live outside the village and stand at a distance. That kind of isolation is a sure way to depression. Having been made well, of course they were eager to get back to life - back to their families, jobs, communities. 

But this one guy came back to Jesus instead of back to normal. This guy came to give thanks, and Jesus' response? "Your faith has made you well." A literal translation of, "your faith has saved you." Your faith has healed you, saved you, forgiven you. He was a foreigner made well. A foreigner saved. He didn't go back to normal.

We aren't told what happened afterwards, but we can imagine (I'm a type A but still such a dreamer) the kind of transformation that took place. It's the kind that shouts stuff like, "I once was lost, but now I'm found. I was sick, but now I'm healed!" I'm sure this guy didn't keep to himself how he'd been healed, how he'd been saved, Who had set him free. 

When this kind of transformation takes place in our hearts, we are eager to give thanks and tell the world.
I don't know what he was saved from exactly (except the leprosy part), but I know what I've been saved let me never forget or grow tired of giving thanks. And may that transformation ring loud because I never want to go back to normal.

Live Him loud.

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