Thursday, September 20, 2012

On the Road Again.

If I'm going to return to blogging, I have to start somewhere. So hi. Welcome back. Let's get right to old friends picking up right where they left off months or even years ago.

 The season is changing. Not metaphorically speaking. I think the first day of fall is sometime next week. It's overstated, but time is flying. Yet for our family, sometimes it doesn't fly quickly enough. Time flies and yet crawls. It flies because these 2 crazy little people are busy busy and keep me busy busy. It's so much fun, and I'm loving it. BUT without Nathan with us, time can't go fast enough. At this point we're thinking it'll be April-ish when we're able to join him. It can't. come. fast. enough. We're not dwelling on those things, though.

Let's see... Xander turned 3 in August. Slow down, child. He talks. He does that really well. When we're at the park, he's the cautious one on the playground among his peers. He'll play, but he likes to talk to the parents. He likes adult talk. He'll let people know about "Jonah was waaah waaah," and "The foklift was on the Lowe's twuck." He jabbers all day long. About everything. As he's playing, he narrates to me everything he's doing, "Mommy, there's the Lowe's twuck (he likes Lowe's trucks)...there's the firetruck...they're going to Starbucks...and the library..." Xander likes quality time. On the rare occasion that I turn on a movie for him, he wants me to sit and watch it with him. He gets that from his dad. When we read books, he always holds my hand or arm somehow, almost without thinking. It's super-sweet, and I relish those moments. Right now Xander doesn't ask a lot of why questions. He wants to know "what" more than why. "What is that, Mommy?" "What does that mean, Mommy?" He likes Star Wars and pretends everybody turns to the good side of the forest (force). He likes Wipeout and playing the big red balls. And he likes the story in the Bible of Jochabed putting Moses in the Nile. Oh and David & Goliath. He could be a different character in one of those stories every day, and he'll tell you, "I not pwetending. I David, Mommy." He walks up to people and tells them, "I'm Luke (Skywalker)," "My name is David. Whas you name?"

Jonah will be 1 in just weeks. I still haven't documented his birth story, and it's time I did. Maybe next week sometime. From the beginning, Jonah was more 'baby' than Xander. Jonah fussed and cried more even from day 2 or 3. I could just tell he would be more 'needy' than X. He crawled at 5.5 months and tries so hard to keep up with big brother. Ah, but not far from mommy. If he notices I'm not around, he'll immediately "uhh uhhh" and start looking for me. His little smile gets me every time. He tests things a lot. He knows when he's not supposed to do certain things, and at 10 months will look at me as to ask permission. I'll say, "No, no." But he'll smile big and do it anyway. It takes everything in me not to smile back at him. He gets super-offended when Nathan tells him no, but me - he thinks I'm a joke.

Though there may be 99 toys around, Jonah will want to play with the exact toy his big brother has. Most of the time, Xander has things set up just how he wants them (he's so very particular and perfectionist). So here comes Jonah knocking things over, Xander screaming "NO! NO! NO! JOOOOOONAAAAAAH! NOOOOOOOOO!" Then there I come, usually from the kitchen, for the 15th time. Xander can be pretty nice, actually. A lot of times he'll say, "Mira, Jonah, look what you can play with," and hands him some kind of toy. Jonah usually looks at it and passes because all he wants to do is whatever big brother is doing. And then starts the raucous all over. Yes, we do want more babies. They make our world go round. Ok, that's a start.

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