This summer Nathan will be working in Kansas again. I'm gonna be staying in a place in Greenville, where my mom lives, and then in September we'll move into...who knows (in the Dallas area). At this point, Nathan is just ready to be out of here. We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the area where we currently reside, but purchasing a home is about double our price range so unfortunately I'll be leaving everything I love around here. Seriously, it's a great area, and that's what's holding me back from wanting a bigger place. Who needs space, right? We have plenty of it. And I can especially say that when a Whole Foods opened up about a mile away. Or something like that. I mention Whole Foods often because I just love it. *sigh* So here's to whatever is coming. Anyway, since Nathan will be working in Kansas, Xander and I will be back and forth from here to there. We plan to spend a couple of weeks there at a time. We'll only get to see Nathan on the weekends, but it's better than nothing. At first I thought we'd drive up every other weekend or so, but making that long drive just for a weekend is just senseless. I have a feeling we'll practically be living there by the time it's all said and done. We'll see.
So I was playing around with my camera and my boy.
On my back as I cook.
And no, I wasn't burning anything (this time). It's boiling water. Xander's face is classic. He looks pretty unhappy, but he actually really likes being with me in the kitchen.
Wowsers... lots of stuff going on! So recap, you're moving to Greenville and then somewhere back into the metroplex in the fall? right? well Arlington area is great... north preferably :) Xander sure is getting cuter and cuter... well and bigger and bigger!
Yes. Arlington - well, we're looking to head east...closer to Greenville, where my mom is. So...
...oh, you gotta meet my Xander. Let's do this.
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