I should go to bed. Xander is still waking up every 3 hours or so, and if he poops in the middle of the night during nursing, and if he has a blow-out (which happens all too often these days), and if that blow-out gets on everything, then it calls for being up extra long. The other night it was a good 2 hour nursing session. And he insists on his 7 a.m. wake up. His internal clock works too much like mine...or like mine used to.
But I wanted to post some pics for the family since I said I would.
When we had perfect weather sometime last week, we spent an afternoon just hanging at the park...a park in Richie Rich's neighborhood, where you see blond little girls and their Mexican nannies. Where 47-year old mothers tell you about how they're sending their daughters to elite universities and also send them $2000/month as an allowance. Lol. They're for real, yo.
Then Xander had a 'play-date' with Josiah.
I promise my son isn't stuck up. He just likes to push away sometimes.
And Xander likes to take off his socks and suck on his big toe. And I mean suck...like he thinks he'll get milky way out of it. This was on Nathan's bday at the zoo this week.
This, friends, is one of his favorite toys. The sonaja from his abuelito in Mexico. And his friend, Josiah, liked it too. He kept taking it from him. lol. I should learn to make these and sell 'em.
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