Monday, January 19, 2009

Hypocrite. Hypocrite

Just a few days ago I blogged about how I upset I was or something about how these parents wouldn't allow their kids to socialize with these other kids because of karate.

I'm such the critic. And such the hypocrite. I was being just like the people about how ridiculous we humans can be.
about whom I was complaining. To each his own, right? Sorta. I guess I was just venting
I am a very opinionated person and know some very opinionated people. The cool thing about most of us is that we choose to accept each other no matter how much we may disagree. Over the years I've come to see that things aren't always black and white, there's a lil gray, and there's room for everyone's opinions. I've now come to not only accept our differences, but I welcome and enjoy them because it's what makes the world go round, right? I love it. I love individuality, uniqueness (is that a word?), and creativity.

On that note, isn’t it funny how I think I know what’s good for everyone else we all want to be so helpful when it comes to other people’s situations? My friend, Alisa, recently warned me: “…everyone is suddenly going to become an expert on your body and your pregnancy.” I honestly don’t mind when people give me suggestions and share their experiences with me. It’s all great until they expect me to change my views. Then I just get annoyed and probably get defensive.

So just now I was flipping channels, and yay, we have cable right now. I stopped at John & Kate+8. I honestly don't care if you don't care for them. I love kids and shows with kids. So in this episode, one particular child was being incredibly annoying with her whining and crying and whining and disobedience (isn't that just like a kid?), and I said really loudly, "Beat her! Spank her butt!" I don't care what Oprah has to say about spanking. I just know what my beliefs are and what I plan to do. But isn't if funny how we (I) soooo critique what everyone else is doing? In this case I wasn't necessarily critiquing. I was just responding. BUT I've been around people who refuse to watch this show because they don't agree with certain parenting techniques. That's fine. That's up to you. I just so enjoy laughing when these (or any) kids say funny things. It's adorable. So why can't we just look at the good stuff and ignore the rest? I don't know. I know I personally don't always do that, but still...just remind me.

Just thoughts.

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