...moving, new beginnings and life itself all just have a bunch of drama. I haven't blogged because of that...because I've been trying to make sense of it all and haven't been able to put it into words.
Back in September our family was faced with some heavy-duty drama that caused things to sorta stop for a bit. One of our family members was harmed, and the entire family was forced into a very difficult situation. We had to learn to forgive when we were deeply wounded. We had to learn what it meant to really forgive someone when it wasn't deserved. Yet, who are we to say who does or doesn't deserve forgiveness? And who are we to withhold forgiveness? I, we, have all been forgiven a great deal, and I believe God allows circumstances like these to force us to deal with ourselves. Where are we? Do we love as He does?
Honestly, I don't think I was personally dealing with the issue very well. At first, it was easy to respond with forgiveness because that's what I've been trained to do. My mind and my heart were automatically there. Then reality set it a bit more and so did time...and my heart began to harden. I began reacting instead of responding, and I wasn't the typical Susy. In a way, I think I was upset with God for allowing weird things to happen at the most inopportune times. However, I also knew deep in my heart that though it didn't seem like it at the time, He could and would bring something truly great out of trash. My growing process seems a bit slow right now, but He's patient. And I know He'll use this for good. He's causing all of us to grow from it. If it's just for me to learn a bit more how to love, then it's worth it. That's what He desires - to refine us.
So that was an attempt to explain three very long months.
On a lighter note, we've received more snow here than I've seen in my life. It started two or three weeks ago with some ice and then a couple of inches of snow. Nathan amused me and helped me with my first real snowman. Then last week, or earlier this week (my schedule is so messed up these days) we had a day of "blizzard-like conditions" for an entire afternoon which produced 8-10 inches of snow (they're still uncertain) and snow drifts up to 3 feet. I was working during the crazy snow storm and watched people attempt driving. At different times you couldn't see across the street and visibility was less than 1/8 of a mile. Why were people driving in it? I have no clue, but it was also incredibly cold, so cold that people's wipers were freezing. It didn't help that they could hardly see to begin with...I'd never seen anything like it. Thank goodness for my amazing husband who came to the rescue and picked me up from work. I've been driving the little piece of Kia, and it just wouldn't have been able to get through because the snow was so deep. Because Nathan loves adventure and actually enjoys driving in this mess, we went to dinner and a movie instead of straight home (where the sane people were). I was just mesmerized by how much snow there was EVERYWHERE. I've seen snow here and there, but never sooo much snow all over the place. Oh...well except when we went to Montana on our honeymoon. Anyway, I'll try to post pictures soon.
Yesterday we had some snow that didn't stick, but it was all okay because we still have plenty of it from the crazy blizzard-like day. Then last night we got another 5 inches. Okay, so I've been all gung-ho about snow because I come from Lake Jackson, Texas, the place that gets snow once every 15 years...and never like this. The part I really don't like about this is having to drive in it. Ugh. My amazing husband came to the rescue once again and followed me to work this morning. He really wants me to get adjusted to it and get comfortable enough to drive in it. Well, it's not so bad. It's just bad when there's people around. Other cars really stress me out, and I just pray, "Oh, Jesus, oh Jesus, oh Jesus..." He hears that.
Pics soon to come.