i also did something that i have wanted to do for a while - i cut my hair off to donate it to locks of love. now, i'm not telling you this so that you can say things like, "oh you're so great, blah blah..." i was a bit shocked when i started getting that reaction from people. the reason i'm doing this is not to get brownie points but to try and do my part to help lil' kiddos whose disease-stricken body has cause them to lose their hair - locks of love. locks of love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. i didn't want to tell too many people why i was cutting my hair, but i really think it's important to make you and others aware of this organization. i figure that God gives us gifts, abilities, $$, and even hair for a reason. He gave me this big head of really thick hair that happens to grow pretty quickly, so why not give it away?
so amra, my new hairstylist, cut about 12 inches:
then she cut, cut, cut, cut some more, and thinned out like crazy. my head is so much lighter. i took this immediately after the cut (thus being in the car) so i could show you:
a before picture will be here soon.
I LOVE IT! So sheek mon cheri'
awww, thanks. as i suspected, it's definitely more maintenance, but that's why i kept it long enough for pony tails.
Dang girl you look sooooo good!!! I LOVE IT and I am pretty sure your hubby loves it! we need to chat soon..i have one more week until I am back to my normal schedule...i have doing a 3 week teen summer intensive..it has been awesome and sooo different from the yfn days. well girl i love ya and i miss ya terribly!!!
by the way that last comment was me alisha
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